The Über Rock Interview: Tom Farrelly (Third Lung)

Written by Gerald Stansbury
Sunday, 19 November 2017 04:00

Yesterday, Über Rock published my review of ‘Breaking Late’, the new EP from Third Lung.  As the review developed, I reached out to frontmanTom Farrelly with some questions about the project…

Third Lung


Most bands experience some pressure to avoid the sophomore slump and have to really focus on writing enough quality songs for the album. What made you guys decide to release these six songs now as opposed to putting them on the follow up full length, which I believe I saw you all are currently completing?


The six track EP started life with three live tracks we decided to record at Henwood Studios. After meeting Michael (Smithy) Smith of RYP Recordings, who remixed and remastered the live tracks, we then decided to record a further three tracks with him at his studio in London. We decided that collectively this would work best as an EP and represented where we were at in that period of time. While writing for the album it became clear that the sound had evolved and moved on. We believe in the art of making an album rather than it being just a random collection of songs. 


Most of the songs on the album are co-writes between yourself and Rob Jacques. How has the songwriting process in the band developed?


The first track Rob and I collaborated on was ‘What They May Say’. It came so easily as we share the same instincts for writing. The writing process has developed further still in the band. Working on the new album now sees writing collaborations with Camilla. 



What is the story behind the cover of the EP?


A friend of the band, Dom Butler, was asked to develop a piece of art for our European tour poster. We are due to tour in Europe Spring 2018 promoting the new album which we are currently in the studio working on. We were making the finishing touches to the ‘Breaking Late’ EP when Dom showed us how the poster was progressing. We loved the image so much and felt it represented the mood of the EP so well that we then decided to use the image for the EP.


What do each of you bring to the band?


Camilla brings depth, definition and edge, underpinning the tracks with guitars and vocals that help create the landscape in which the song lives. Rob brings melodically driven bass parts; While driving the song, they also give a great depth to the sound. A great deal of the atmosphere created is due to this. Sam brings a very unique twist to a conventional rock drummer: stylistically heavily influenced by hip hop and funk music, he is very dynamically conscious and always serves the song.


The other members report that you yourself bring a diverse soundscape of ambient catchy hooks on guitar that supports a wide vocal range passionately delivered, with a distinctive tone that ranges from deep and rounded to gritty and raspy in the higher registers. What artists have inspired you?


David Bowie, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Queen, Queens of The Stone Age, Jeff Buckley, U2, Radiohead, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Laura Marling, Eva Cassidy, Noel Gallagher, Ryan Adams, The Who, Manic Street Preachers, The Beatles. Joni Mitchell and Hans Zimmer.


Who would you love to tour with?


Tour with? Any of the above. Here or the next place.


Where does Third Lung go from here?


We are aiming to release the new album late spring/early summer 2018, followed by a European and UK tour. 


Finally, one question I always like to ask is how do we make music an integral part of society again?


By welcoming back the protest song.     


‘Breaking Late’ is released on 1 December. You can get your copy HERE.


Third Lung play The Pack and Carriage in London on Saturday 9 December.

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