The Bloodstock Interviews – Reaper

Written by Linzi A
Thursday, 24 August 2017 05:00

This four-piece metal band from Liverpool were formed back in 2010 by Daniel Moran (guitarist and lead vocalist) and Anthony Dalton (lead guitarist and backing vocalist). Since then, they have played alongside great acts such as Eradikator, Blaze Bayley’s Wolfsbane, Dynamite!, Wolf, Enforcer, Bludvera and many more.

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They started out as a thrash metal band with their influences Testament, Megadeth and Metallica seeping through their music; in more recent music they have injected different genres into their sound but still in keeping with their traditional metal heritage. Daniel took time out to speak to us over the Bloodstock weekend – starting with his thoughts on playing the UK’s premier metal festival:


[We were] very nervous – but it is so cool, man. It’s my very first time being at Bloodstock, never mind playing it.


Playing it was unbelievable, but everyone here has got a super friendly vibe. Everyone we have met has been lovely, the organisation has been brilliant, right down to the back stage crew. We are really happy to be here.


Unfortunately, I didn’t get time to catch your set: what sort of a reception did you get from the crowds when you were playing?


It was an awesome turn out – better than we ever could have imagined. The whole tent was packed out: we literally couldn’t believe it.


The atmosphere in the tent was electric: by the third song, people were jumping about, having a great time. Watching everyone from on stage was just amazing. It was such a great feeling. We had an absolute blast.


Have you guys got an EP or an album that you can tell us about?


We handed out some of our demo tapes that are leading up to the album, the debut album, we should be bringing out pretty soon.


We have engineered the album ourselves, because we like to have the freedom to fine tune everything so it sounds the way we want it to. The songs are coming along great. It’s going to be a ten track album, roughly about 45/50mins long.


It’s taking its time, but we want to make sure that its right before we put it out there. We don’t want to be over producing anything. It’s still very much a raw thrash album. We have taken our time to make sure we are 100 per cent satisfied with everything.


We saw you guys earlier talking to the guys at the S.O.P.H.I.E Merch tent: is the Foundation something which you guys support?


Yes definitely. You know, it was such a horrible thing that happened to such a beautiful young woman, it’s a story which touches everyone. We are glad that someone is speaking out for those who are different, that someone is taking a stand to say “you know, it’s OK to be different”, be it [your] sexuality, the way you dress, the music you listen to, the race you are or religion you follow.


Having people willing to step up to the plate and tackle those sorts of issues… hats off to them: they are doing a brilliant thing.


To see Bloodstock supporting them and naming one of their biggest stages after Sophie, and helping raise awareness so people at the festival know about it, has done a great thing in getting the Foundation heard.


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Absolutely. The Foundation is doing great work, and more festivals should get involved in pushing what they do!




Did you get a chance to catch any other bands this weekend?


First band I saw were Endeavour. They were unbelievable: listening to their vocalist it was like listening to James LaBrie from Dream Theater. Decapitated were great, Testament were awesome, [and I] caught a little bit of Blind Guardian before I came in here to speak to you. Ward XVI were off the chain: they were insane.


Who would you like to see play at next year’s Bloodstock?


Death Angel, they are amazing. Massive fan of Tool. Meshuggah would be good too. I’d have to go with those three…


What have you got lined up after Bloodstock?


We have got a little homecoming show in September. We have also got a gig in November with the ex-Hawkwind bass player… we have also got a few more things lined up in the pipeline that we can’t discuss yet.


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