The Bloodstock Interviews – Internal Conflict

Written by Linzi A
Monday, 21 August 2017 16:00

If you like aggression and anger moulded into a hard hitting burst of fury with a dash of brutality thrown in, then you may like these guys as they bring an air of uncertainty to the stage with their extreme performance. This Leicester based metalcore band provided the Sophie Stage at Bloodstock with a tantalising performance; with a swarm of metalheads in attendance these guys did not disappoint!


I managed to catch up with vocalist Adam Kyle and drummer Dan Robbins later on after the dust had settled (and the boys had grabbed a shower – no one likes a sweaty interview), when they gave me an insight as to what they had been getting up to , and what their plans were for after the festival.

Internal Conflict 2

Any band would kill to play here at Bloodstock, especially playing the Sophie stage: what did it mean to you guys?


Dan: [We’re] still buzzing, can’t quite believe we are here and have played the Sophie Stage!


Adam: This is technically are third time being here, our first time playing the Sophie stage, it’s just an incredible experience, just phenomenal. It was just amazing.


Dan: To be able to get on that stage is a massive honour, and I’ve been coming here every year, and this has been like a life goal to play the Sophie stage, to be able to walk out onto that stage and play in front of that many people, it was just incredible. Everybody responded really well to us and our music, it was just mad it was absolutely brilliant.


We have played the Metal 2 The Masses before and done the rounds like that, but to be asked to come back without having to go through all that side of it, and get asked to play that stage, is just a complete honour for us. We just can’t thank the organisers enough for asking us, we are just blown away right now.


It’s like a validation for us and all that we have done, working our arses off year after year to try and get here; to play on the smaller stage previously to then get asked to come back and play the Sophie stage, it just all seems surreal still at this moment in time. It hasn’t sunk in yet and I don’t think it will until we get home: that’s when it will hit us. We are always writing and gigging and putting ourselves through it you know, but perseverance pays off.


Everything that happened with Sophie… it’s such a sad story. No parent should ever have to bury their child. The work the Foundation does, and what the story means to people, I think a lot of people can relate to, in a sense of that, at some stage or another, someone will have been bullied for the way they dress or music they like, and the Foundation is going out and making people aware of acceptance within communities to do with sub-cultures, and how people shouldn’t be afraid to be different. The message the Foundation have put forward has helped people realise that there are people out there that can help with these issues now, and it’s fantastic what they are doing.


Tell us about your new single.


Dan: We have a new single, and video to go with it, called ‘Catharsis’. We are building up to release a new EP, with about 3-4 tracks on it.


Adam: We do have an album out, which was released back in 2015, but we have none left now… we gave the last few away!


What can we expect from the new EP?


Dan: More of everything: it’s heavier, it’s more melodic, it’s more of a representation of who we are right now.


We could release an album, but that would take us a while, and we just want to get some music out there for our fans, hence why we are releasing an EP so people know what we are doing right now.


The reaction to ‘Catharsis’ has just been incredible, so we will just have to wait and see where we go from there.


Curveball question… you guys are stranded on a desert island and you could only have one band member with you: who would it be?


Dan: None, I’d rather be on my own!


Adam: I don’t know actually. I’d probably pick the fattest one so I could eat them.


Dan: I think I’d taste like a beer soaked ham!


Who would you guys like to see play Bloodstock next year?


Dan: Volbeat or Machine Head.


Adam: Tool or Judas Priest or Lamb of God or August Burns Red.


What have you got lined up for after Bloodstock?


Dan: We have got two mini tours lined up, doing Camden, Ashford, Brighton, Birmingham, Wrexham, Glasgow and Burnley. We are doing a lot… we are doing Pad Fest in September. Then it’s a case of get the CD out there towards the end of the year and focus on that.


Internal Conflict Tour Flyer

You guys have a lot coming up then.


Dan: Yeah, we are just keeping the momentum going as best as we can. Perseverance is the name of the game. We just keep writing and gigging ya know. Then we have 11 hours of band practices a week… I don’t think some people get just how hard it is being in a band: you have to keep on top of it; you have to rehearse you have to practice the sets and make sure everyone is on top of their game.


Adam: It is a lot of effort but we love it! I can’t imagine not pushing this hard… it’s a focus, you build yourself around the band.

PHOTO CREDIT: Live photo © The Dark Queen/Über Rock.

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