Tesla – ‘Twisted Wires and Acoustic Sessions’ and a chat with Brian Wheat

Written by Rob Watkins and Attila Timar
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 05:00

Tesla_TwistedEver since these Sacramento rockers first burst onto the global music scene way back in 1986 with their debut full length classic release ‘Mechanical Resonance’ they have continued to get themselves into Acoustical Jams, they have Bust A Nut got involved in a Great Radio Controversy, had Psychotic Suppers and aside from a 6 year hiatus will continue Forever More, yeah you know who I’m talking about, who else could I be on about other than the oh so likeable Tesla.


Back with something old and something a little new for 2011, ‘Twisted Wires And Acoustic Sessions’ is, a collection of reworked acoustic tunes as Tesla always seems to do so well along with two new tracks thrown in for good measure.


Kicking off with ‘Into The Now’ lifted off the 2004 album of the same name and the soulful husky vocal tones of Jeff Keith immediately stand out.  Alongside the grand musicianship whichever way they play it, ‘Hang Tough’ the solitary track from the band’s fine 1989 opus ‘The Great Radio Controversy’ is interestingly put together here, an ever so slight departure from the original.  Its also worth noting at this point that six of the tracks offered up here were actually recorded back in 2005 and as such are the final Tesla recordings with their former guitarist Tommy Skeoch.


New tune ‘2nd Street’ is up next with a beautifully melodic intro that runs smoothly into a well structured song with some nice hooks popping up ‘Edison’s Medicine is turned upside down and swung back and forth, but still works a treat as the second of three songs lifted off 1991’s ‘Psychotic Supper’.  ‘What You Give’ is up next and yet again that Keith vocal sounds superb.


The second and final new track is ‘Better Off Without You’ and I for one would be very interested hear this in its electric form with its little Beatles-esque moments and singalong chorus. ‘Shine Away’ meanwhile from 1994’s ‘Bust A Nut’ with its laid back approach and 70’s vibe makes this a thoroughly enjoyable listen. ‘I Love You’, a cover of the Climax Blues Band tune which was also covered on the 2007 release ‘A Peace Of Time’ but as always when Tesla cover a tune they grasp it tightly and firmly and claim it as their own piece.  I mean just look at ‘Little Suzie’.


The sound of a sombre piano ushers in ‘Changes’ and rather disappointedly this is the only number taken off the band’s majestic debut album the aforementioned ‘Mechanical Resonance’ my personal favourite album by Tesla.  The guys are really making a point about how talented as songwriters they most definitely are as they unleash the reworked ‘Bust A Nut’ number ‘A Lot To Lose, this is a hidden gem if ever there was one.  If you like rich melodic music, please do check this one, as it’s my standout track here in an already exemplary set of songs.  It posses a melodic intro and a gentle crafted vocal hook that wouldn’t have looked out of place on any of The Beatles early albums, and it certainly puts Brian Wheat’s comments below fully into context.


More recent tracks ‘Caught In A Dream’ and ‘Song And Emotion’ round things off in fine style ensuring the high quality of this collection is maintained from start to finish.


Uber People take some time and listen to this collection, it’s released here in Europe on Scarlet Record, and it really is fab………



And there you have it folks Tesla the band has never let down us their fans with their consistent releases that make up some of the true gems of the hard rock music genre we all love. With the above record about to be released and a tour starting in the US round in early July the band’s bass player Brian Wheat understandably was a man with not much time on his hands when our resident star interviewer Attila Timar caught up with him, however he was still up for a brief chat regarding current Tesla matters and what lies ahead for the band during 2011 and 2012.


Tesla’s new record ‘Twisted Wires and the Acoustic Sessions’ is a kinda mixed release: featuring 6 songs recorded back in 2005 with former guitarist Tommy Skeoch. What is the story behind these songs?


In 2005 we did an acoustic tour, afterwards we went into the studio and recorded some of the stuff we were doing on that tour which happened to be the last recordings with Tommy.


Wheat_HannonOne of the new tracks has already gained itself some notoriety. The way Frank compared Guns n’ Roses’ ‘Patience’ to ‘Better Off Without You’ made quite a stir, even provoking a not very friendly retort from Slash. So what made Frank reflect and change his original comment: was it a phone call from the attorney of a certain red-haired singer, or was it just that Frank had to realise that a lot of people have no sense of humour to take his words as they should have been?


This is something Frank would have to answer.


I also had a hunch that this may have been just a very smart PR stunt from your side.. (chuckling)


No, not at all.


Your US tour starts on 1 July. What are the chances of making this tour international and coming to Europe?


We hope to come over in the beginning of 2012 and do some select cities with an acoustic show in support of ‘Twisted Wires’.


Tesla has had a very solid line-up ever since 1984, with only one change. Tommy’s replacement, Dave Rude seems to have fit quite well in the band. What has he brought to the table in the band, musically and personality-wise?


First he’s a great guitarist and second he’s the nicest guy to work with.


I know that Jimmy Page is one of your heroes: so what is your take on the current Led Zep situation?


I love Led Zeppelin and I’m a friend of Jimmy’s…. Whatever Jimmy does I love!


teslaI have read that you have a recording studio in Sacramento.  Please, tell us about it. Is it true that even the likes of Papa Roach and Deftones have recorded there? Did you have to meet any special requests from the recording artists, like installing a doughnut shop for Deftones who seem to have partaken a lot of that foodstuff?


Yes, I have a studio, but it burned down in September so I’m rebuilding a new one currently.

It’s true, those bands have worked there, but, to be honest, none of them asked for anything special.


Your project, Soulmotor had a record released earlier this year and now you have a new one coming out. How do you find time and what is the reason for having another project in additionally to your well established ”little rock band” (as you refer to Tesla on your Facebook profile)?


I think anyone who has had a band for thirty years needs another outlet and Soulmotor is mine.


Which five records would you rescue first if your house got on fire?


One thing is for sure; they would all be Beatles records.


And with that Brian was gone, time had finally caught up with us, but on closing he did also reveal that we can expect a Tesla release full of brand new songs in 2012…so until then go out and get your copy of the rather unique ‘Twisted Wires And Acoustic Sessions’ and don’t forget to catch them live. 


There are not a lot of bands out there like Tesla these days so let’s make sure they stick around for a whole lot longer yet, support band’s that keep it real and fuck the latest musical fashion.  Hang Tough you Modern Day Cowboys.

