Spunk Volcano – Dirt Box Disco – Uber Rock Interview Exclusive

Written by Johnny H
Sunday, 09 September 2012 04:30


Dirt Box Disco are a band who really should need no introduction to regular readers of Uber Rock, that’s because ever since Darrel Sutton “discovered” them back in March of this year we’ve pretty much been harping on about them ever since.


Me, I have a confession to make – I didn’t get the band’s EP ‘Are You Ready?’ Perhaps it was the fact I was listening to it online and we all know what compression can do to a band’s music, but whatever it was the loveable rogues from Burton just didn’t click with me. As a result I missed out on the feelgood buzz Sutton et all were getting when ‘Legends’ was released via STP Records back in June. 


Then I went to see Dirt Box Disco live and suddenly my world changed.


Having witnessed the five superheroes that make up Dirtbox Disco slay crowds at both Slugfe5t and Rebellion Festival I thought it was about time I had a chat with the band’s masked lunatic Spunk Volcano, as no offence to singer Weab.I.Am, bass player Deadbeatz Chris, guitarist Danny Fingerz and drummer Maff, but if we were ever going to get some cool headlines it was going to be from the imaginary bastard love child of Thunderstick and Hewhocannotbenamed… right?


Well a few Emails later and I was soon about to find out.


Spunk_1Hi Spunk firstly many thanks for taking the time to talk to with Uber Rock.


Thank you for asking some questions, I might lie a bit in some of my replies though (laughing).


I witnessed you guys deliver a show stopping performance at Rebellion Festival just a few weeks back, tell us what that was like for you guys?


I must admit we were nervous; we are new to this and figured no one would come see us, “WRONG!!”  It was ace, we played, people sang and smiled, winner!


Okay so now let’s now take a step further back in time for those who may not have heard of you guys yet, tell us about how Dirt Box Disco came into existence.


Well it all started about 3 years ago when an angel appeared to me and said “Spunk it’s time to rock”, so I set out to find 4 of the shittest bastards I could, 100% idiots, 100% rock n rollers.


I must also congratulate you on your ‘Legends’ record, which is simply stunning, what is the story behind the full-length debut?


The album is basically our set list, we never set out to make an album, we’re a live band first and foremost, but it worked out well, as has our EP ‘Are You Ready?’


It’s not very often you get a record that contains 13 songs that could all be potential singles, is that something you intentionally set out to do, or was it simply an accident? (laughing)


Well I would normally just take a song down to practice, we’d play it, if we liked it, it stayed, and that’s it. The songs then got played live and if people liked ’em they made it onto the album, there was no great plan.



The set of songs certainly worked at Rebellion, I was really surprised to turn around during your set and see everyone singing along, that must be down to the immediate nature of your songs right?


Oh it’s the songs all right. Sometimes you just need to have a bloody good singsong! And that’s what we love, we’re singing, you’re singing, everybody smiling!  Top drawer!


Listening to ‘Legends’, I can pick out loads of influences but you guys don’t really sound like anyone else out there right now, I described you to one of my mates as a poppy version of Cock Sparrer and he in return said you were like a punk rock Rubettes.  So what do you guys listen to and what influences you to get that Dirt Box Disco sound?


I have no idea what the others listen to, but I like so much stuff it’s impossible to name everything here now, but today I’ve mainly been listening to Showaddywaddy and The Kinks.


DBD_Are_You_ReadyMy fave tune by you guys is ‘I Am Rock N Roll’ what is your fave Dirt Box Disco tune/s and why?


It depends really, at a show when everyone sings your songs back with you that can be your favourite tune, they are all good to singalong with, but ‘I Am Rock N Roll’ is cool though.


I have to ask this question Spunk but with such great songs why the image?


Everyone loves a superhero or a classic WWE wrestler! It was initially just to grab peoples attention, lots of bands have great songs but no body cares, it just works for us, it doesn’t work if your songs are shit though.


So can we expect to see Dirt Box Disco action figures on your merch stand anytime soon?


That would be ace; I want them to be talky ones. Pull the chord and we say stuff like “I am rock n roll!” Or “Let’s get fuckin wasted!” Or “I’ve done a bit of wee!” Hasbro would love it.


You seem to have made a good choice in signing to STP Records, how has it been for you guys to develop as a band on such a passionate about their music label?


It was easy; I said to STP Stu, “Can you do our record?” He said “OK”. He doesn’t mess about; we’re doing number two and my solo album on STP, deffo.


Weab_2What do you guys make of all this Pledge stuff, is it really the future of rock and bringing music back to the people?


I think Pledge is OK, but we prefer Mr Sheen, I drank some Cillit Bang once, and Danny Fingers likes to polish his helmet in secret lady oils.


Okay here’s a few either/ors for you just to take us into the home straight. So I want to know which one and why from the following:


Hewhocannotbenamed or Spunk Volanco?


We supported the Dwarves in Manchester and Hewhocannotbenamed had left the band. I was so disappointed, so ME ha ha!!!


Manowar or Twisted Sister?


Twisted Sister! ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ is one of the best songs ever, it still smashes it today.


G.B.H or Discharge?


G.B.H but ‘Protest and Survive’ by Discharge is one of my favourite songs ever; when I hear it my blood turns to fire.


Spiderman or Batman Y Fronts?


Spiderman, but I would like some Batman ones, have you got any? (laughing)


Rebellion or Slugfest?


Both! Rebellion is awesome, but Slugfest is full of magic Welsh people who sing all your songs with you, just like Max Boyce.


Fingering your nan or fucking a joint of microwaved ham with the bone taken out?


No contest! Granny gets it every time!! What’s a microwave?


DBD_LegendsAnd finally what’s next up for Dirt Box Disco? World domination?


Yes, but we have to nip the shops first, need a few bits. Oh! Album two will be out in April 2013, and then we go out to play, UK, Germany, USA, Japan and Rotherham.


Spunk thanks for speaking with Uber Rock and if you do have any final things to say to your fans here is your chance.


A Dirtbox show is yours as much as ours! Come to the show, sing your fucking heart out and go home smiling (oh and buy our CD).





Dirt Box Disco have a store on Amazon.co.uk. To visit it – CLICK HERE