Rudolph Schenker – Scorpions – Interview Exclusive 

Written by Attila Timár
Thursday, 25 August 2011 05:00

There’s probably not much required by way of an introduction for a band like the Scorpions, as fans of vintage hard rock will already cherish most of their releases, quite a few of them being nothing  short of classics of the genre. Attila Timár caught up with Rudolf Schenker in the midst of a seemingly never-ending world tour, one that will ultimately be their last. Rudolf being one of the best songwriters and rhythm guitarists the hard rock world has ever seen tells us all about the bands he admires, a Nobel Peace Prize Awardee who likes hanging out with da Scorps, and we also get an exclusive glimpse of some of the ways the Scorpions legacy will be kept alive long after this very last tour comes to an end.



Hi Rudolf thanks for taking the time to talk with Uber Rock, can we start with the end so to speak and I’d like to know if you already have a vision of how the end of the world farewell tour will look? Is it going to be in 2012 or 2013? And what about the very last gig –  I presume it will be in Berlin or maybe Hanover? 


We don’t know yet where the last concert is going to take place, we let the time work for us, because the offers and possibilities are getting better and better.


A 3D DVD concert film is also being talked about, what can you tell us about it at this point?


It’s amazing what came out with 12 cameras, with 5.1 sound system. I can tell you that you will really have the feeling that you are part of the audience.


Scorps_2_IntWith so many great records under your belt it cannot be easy to select the songs for the shows. Who decides about the setlist: is it you, Klaus and Matthias, or does anybody else have a say in this?  


We did some research via our website, asking our fans what songs they would love to hear at the concert, so the setlist we have now is the result of it. But, anyway, we tend to change it a bit according to the continent and country we actually play in.


OK, so it’s the fans who decide.. I am really glad to see that you end the story of the band on a really high note – and I mean not only the shows, but also the last three records which were all great. Which songs do you consider ultimate/definitive Scorpions songs?


In my opinion these are:

LOVE-  ‘Still Loving You’

PEACE- ‘Wind of Change’

ROCK ‘n’ ROLL – ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’


Let’s talk a bit about the record you are planning with your brother, Michael: how is it going? What other singers do you have in mind apart from Klaus Meine to be invited for it?


The only thing we know is that we want to do an album, sooner or later.


I am sure your autobiography, ‘Rock Your Life’ is an interesting read –  so when can we finally read it in English? 


Don’t worry, I’m really working on the English version.


Oh, that’s great, and which autobiography of other musicians have you enjoyed reading most lately?


It’s hands down the autobiography of Keith Richards.


Apparently, not many rock stars can claim to be in such good terms with the last leader of the Soviet Union. So could you tell us about your relationship with Mr. Gorbachev? Is he really a fan of the band? If yes, what are his favourite Scorps songs?  (smiling)


Well, as you may know, in March 2011 we had the honour to play at the Royal Albert Hall for his 80th birthday. I can’t call him our fan, but he likes the band and each time we see us somewhere around the world, he likes to mention that Scorpions is the one and only band which has ever been invited invited to the Kremlin.




Even though you are not 40 any more, you are still in admirable physical condition.  So what helps you keep this? Yoga, some special exercises? Please, tell us the secret.


Enjoying life, having the right people around you; do what you like to do; nourish yourself in the right way; and, of course, fitness and love. (laughs)


‘Mamma Mia’ and ‘We Will Rock You’: two very successful jukebox musicals that are helping to keep the legacy of Abba and Queen alive. I think the Scorpions catalogue would be an ideal basis for a great script that could be used for a similar musical or even film. Have you ever considered this? 


Believe it or not, we are working on both of these things as well.


Which 5 records would you rescue first if your house got on fire?


To be honest, I can’t limit my choice to just 5 records…




OK, then just tell us about some other hard rock bands you enjoy listening to these days.


I like listening to Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Metallica, System of A Down, Green Day  and most of everything I get to hear on my internet-radio on American/English rock stations.


And, finally, what is the meaning of life?


Love your life and make the best out of it!


Photo kudos – Scorpions group shots Marc Theis