
No Sugarcoating & No Bullshit: June

Written by Jo Hayes
Sunday, 29 June 2014 03:30

Hello again Uber Rockers, it’s that time again to end the month with some rambling nonsense which you’ll hopefully enjoy reading and not wish you could get a time-rebate!


So in my usual haphazard fashion of coming up with something music related, and not repeating myself too much, I found inspiration on an article I read online.


The said article was on Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden of course), who stated that Punk Rock musicians can’t play their instruments, and are jealous of Metal bands. This got me thinking of the stigma I received from being into Punk Rock during my teens, and still get now to some lesser extent.


Many of my then social group liked some form of Rock music, but bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against The Machine, Metallica, oh, and Iron Maiden. I wasn’t particularly keen on any of these bands, except some Metallica and Iron Maiden’s first album.


Any time I would dare put a CD on the stereo, I’d always get someone whingeing that they wouldn’t want to listen to it, because it was Punk Rock, so therefore simple, and simple meaning that they couldn’t be bothered to learn their instruments properly.


Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on why other music genres may be shit, but to say that simple means that they couldn’t be bothered to learn their instruments, and be shit on purpose, isn’t always true.



Not that I can say from personal experience, being born in the ’80s, but Punk Rock in the ’70s seemed to be, amongst other things, a way for people who wanted to be in a band, but who didn’t have any proper music lessons or training, to make music that they liked. With any band starting out with novice guitarists, bassists, drummers, and singers, of course they’ll sound crap at first (some might not improve, but I won’t bother to go into that now), but after a while, some came up with some great songs, and could play their instruments well enough to suit the music they wanted to create.


Simplicity is great. Take the Ramones for instance: I remember going to a Punk Rock karaoke night, and the guitarist making ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ sound slightly Metal, and apparently this was meant to be an improvement. I don’t get why simplicity means it is that the original band must be wrong in their musical style. It would be like someone who was an advocate for Indie, trying to play a Death Metal song, in the style of a soft Indie band, and saying it was an improvement – I don’t like either genre, but I could say that for the purposes of trying to correct a band’s ‘mistake’, it wouldn’t be an improvement.



I remember a few years ago on Facebook, there was some music debate going on, which I stupidly got involved in, and someone’s response was: “You can’t have an opinion, because you like Punk Rock, and it’s not proper music.” Well, why not? Just because someone doesn’t want to replicate the sound of supposed well thought out, up your own arse, muso style music (really thinking about the meaning behind each bloody chord and harmony), doesn’t mean it’s not talented or meaningful. I thankfully stopped getting involved in any sort of Facebook debate, as opinions not of the norm generally aren’t allowed.


Any genre takes inspiration from others, and Punk Rock is of course no exception. Stripped down, bare bones Rock ‘n’ Roll, (usually) with attitude, morphing into other styles, and inspiring many bands. The speed of the music means you need stamina, you can’t be a wuss – Punk Rock to me is the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll, and some Metal fans actually like it.


I learnt to play guitar, drums, and bass pretty much by myself, no lessons (well, maybe one guitar lesson on lead two years ago), as well as cutting out the middle-man, and stepping in to sing when an old band of mine couldn’t find a singer. I’ve written songs, put on gigs, recorded an album by the age of 18, been on tour, and I think if I couldn’t have played, all of that (aside from putting on gigs), would not have happened if I wasn’t motivated to do to.


So, for the likes of Bruce Dickinson et al, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you really don’t have a clue when it comes to Punk Rock!


Until next time…