No Sugarcoating & No Bullshit: December

Written by Jo Hayes
Sunday, 21 December 2014 03:00


Hello again Uber Rockers, this is the final lot of no bullshitting nonsense from me this year. Using my usual haphazard, connect the dots way of coming up with the idea or theme for a blog, I thought it could tie in with going in to 2015.


As my penultimate blog was about Christmas songs, and as this is my last blog of 2014, this one will be about New Year’s Resolutions (connected to music in some way, of course).


When we got asked to submit our end of year lists for the site this year, it dawned on me on how much I am out of the loop music wise. I managed to pick five albums, but I have only three gigs that I went to, so I didn’t bother with them. This is all due to illness of course – I don’t think anything else could stop me being in a band, and going to gigs for half the week!


Despite only making it to three gigs, they were good ones. Where I used to go to any local punk gig I could, and get tickets for a lot of the bands I liked, now because I can’t really plan things, it’s usually a last minute thing.


mohawk santa

This year I saw Josh Doyle of the Dum Dums (they had some awesome songs, despite being popular with the dreaded pop chart crowd), The Phobics with The Featherz (charity gig for Breast Cancer Care), and, of course, the almighty Holy Shits. All of these were last minute things, but all worth it. On the plus side, as I went to only a few gigs, I can remember them all – I used to go to so many that I might forget some of the bands (aside from the few which were worth remembering!)


The Holy Shits was by far one of the best gigs I have been to thus far, and this was pure luck that I got in. My cousin’s colleague bought a ticket and couldn’t go, so kindly gave his ticket to me. It was also pure luck that I was relatively well for me (although I don’t think much aside from a coma or death would have stopped me going, even if I would have had to be wheeled in!)


To keep to resolutions you need a strong will, and be able to commit to it. I don’t usually bother, as I normally fail because I feel like I’m restricted. Like quitting smoking, I now ‘vape’ (a term I don’t know if I will get used to!). However, I don’t use it quite as much as I used to smoke.



Having MS makes me not able to commit to it, but having a strong will and wanting to do more, makes me half likely to be able to complete some of the things that I want to in the New Year (although my memory may let me down, haha). Even if you’re healthy and have resolutions, I think that doing them in small increments can help…or don’t have any at all and don’t be disappointed! (Probably the best bet.)


So, next year, I want to beat my three gig score, perhaps taking it to at least five, and I want to buy more music. Hopefully I won’t need to sleep for fifteen hours straight, and be more clear minded to remember to buy an album, or even listen to it. I’d like to get out to a local record shop (yes, we still have some record shops in Brighton), rather than use Amazon. I do use Amazon a lot, due to convenience, if I could get out more, I’d try and support a local business.


I also want to make a concerted effort to play my guitar. As silly as this may sound, playing the guitar to me now can be a chore, not because it bores me, but simply because a relapse earlier this year affected my hands, making writing, let alone playing chords on a guitar, near impossible. I’ve gone back to sounding how I played the guitar when I was eleven – more rough and ready than I would like!



Despite only having five favourite albums this year, they are great ones, so I haven’t failed too much in finding new music. One band which didn’t make the list, despite me raving about their ‘secret’ gig, was Foo Fighters and ‘Sonic Highways’ – it’s simply too soft for me. Give me some Punk Rock, Garage Rock, Trashy Rock or Glunk any day.


Happy f’in Xmas/Yule/Hanukkah/corporate present day, and a Happy Rock ‘n’ Rollin’ 2015.

Until next year…
