Jizzy Pearl – The BIG Über Rock Interview

Written by Mark Ashby
Saturday, 07 January 2017 04:30

The name Jizzy Pearl, or rather that of his former band, Love/Hate, holds a special place in my three decade-plus long adventure in rock ‘n’ roll. For it was the title track of 1990’s ‘Blackout In The Red Room’ that was the first track on my demo reel for my first ever radio show audition. Thankfully, I got got the job – and I haven’t looked back since! After all, look where it has brought me to…

Jizzy Pearl - Portrait


Mr Pearl occasionally has, looked back, that is… with occasional one-off reunions with his former bandmates, stints with other bands who also were strutting their stuff on the strip at the same time as he was loving and hating it. And, of course, his one-time band still holds a big place in his heart. But for the moment, he’s looking forward – to a new album and tour in fact (even if the latter is still highly retrospective)… So, when we got a message from the man asking if we wanted a chat about same… well, we could hardly turn him down now, could we?


I started by asking what stage of the process he’s currently at with the aforesaid, as yet-untitled album…


“In the heat of it… alone on a hill, trying not to re-write Motley Crue songs.”


Can you give us an idea of what we can expect from the album, in terms of the style of music, any particular subjects which the songs are addressing?


“I write about things, recent experiences, people around me, some not so affectionately. I’d like to think I’m a little past writing about beer and chicks – unless it’s about my wife, who is a cool chick.”


Who else is performing on the album with you? Any guest stars (or are you keeping things that a surprise)?


“Blas Elias from Slaughter [is] on drums, Mike Szuter on guitars from Magna-Fi, and my old buddy Mark ‘Muddy’ Dutton, who has played on all my solo records.”


The other reason we’re talking is because you’re about to return to the UK, for a run of solo dates. You describe it on your Facebook page that it is “Jizzy Pearl playing Love/Hate”. It’s also being billed as marking the 25th anniversary of ‘Wasted In America’ (which, of course, came out in March 1992), so I assume we can expect an emphasis on material from that album?


“Playing the ‘Wasted In America’ record in full, front to back, [is] quite an achievement, believe me. And, of course, lots from the ‘Blackout…’ record. Lots and lots of rock.”

Wasted In America artwork


Can you give us more of an idea of what we expect in terms of the blend between Love/Hate material and your solo stuff? How do you about choosing the balance between band and solo songs – is down to your personal favourites or what you know fans want to hear?


“I play what the punters want to hear – I’m not Sting! People want to hear the Love/Hate material sung by the guy who can still hit the notes, and I am obliged to give the people what they want. It’s a goddamn privilege and a blessing.”


I take it we can expect some of the new material on this tour?


“Maybe on the solo acoustic night – a few bits and pieces. [But] it’s mostly the almighty L/H.”


You did a similar “anniversary” tour for the ‘Blackout…’ album two years ago: do you plan to do the same for the anniversaries of any of the other Love/Hate albums, such as ‘Let’s Rumble’ next year?


“Nope. As they say, I’m all out of anniversaries. On to the next record and the next adventure.”


You’ve been involved in a lot of other projects in between the rest of your activity, such as stints with LA Guns and, most recently, Quiet Riot: any plans for any involvement with anything similar in the near future or is it just a case of wait and see what comes along and if the timing is right…?”


“I’m always up for a good gig – and by ‘good’ I mean better!”


I know there were some legal disputes a couple of years ago over the name of the band, which we’ll not go into here, but do you ever see a time when Love/Hate might get back together once again, or has that particular line been drawn in the sand?


“Nope. Skid lives in the Philippines and Joey has a real job, good for him. And Jon? Well, you know…”


On a bit of a side bar, have you any plans for any more books? An autobiography maybe?


“Not really, [I’m] just concentrating on the recording process and sleep.”


Jizzy Pearl by Jennifer Hughes

Photograph © Jennifer Hughes


You’ve been in this business for more than 30 years now: looking back, do you have regrets, unfulfilled dreams, or advice maybe you would give to your 20-something self just starting out down the rock ‘n’ roll journey?


“I regret I’m not a millionaire, but there are far worse fates out there: the Sunset Strip is littered with a hundred thousand corpses of musicians who might have been, some who never got to make a real record, some who fucked up along the way and some who were just plain unlucky. I was lucky then and now – 27 years later.”


One final question (which you’ve probably been asked a thousand times before): where did the name Jizzy Pearl come from? Does it have a special meaning or was it just one of those “Eighties things”?


“[It was] a Hollywood name for a Hollywood time. I felt I needed to stand out from all the other dyed-black hair/tattooed assholes struggling in Hollywood and so Jim became Jizz became Jizzy Pearl. Who knew I’d still have to carry that name into my 50’s? Strange how Fate works.”


The Jizzy Pearl Love/Hate ‘Wasted In America’ tour hits the Über Kingdom on the following dates:


8 March – Edinburgh, Bannermans

9 March – Chester, Live Rooms

10 March – Pwllheli, Hard Rock Hell

11 March – Evesham, Iron Road

12 March – Wakefield, Snooty Fox

16 March – Newcastle, Trillians

17 March – Chesterfield, Real Time Live

18 March – Norwich, Waterfront

19 March – London, Camden Underworld

23 March – Wolverhampton, Slade Room

24 March – Bristol, The Thunderbolt

25 March – Ahoghill, Diamond Rock Club

30 March – Edinburgh, Bannermans (‘Songs and Stories!’ – solo acoustic)

31 March – Glasgow, Audio

1 April – Oxford, The Bullington


Tickets for all shows are available from usual local outlets.