Isabell Oversveen (Issa) – Interview Exclusive + Signed Albums Competition

Written by Dave Prince
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 05:00

When Scandinavian songstress Isabell Oversveen first came into my life back in August of 2010, via her sublime ‘Sign Of Angels’ album, an album recorded under her now more widely known moniker of Issa I truly felt like I had been touched by the spirit of her music. Such was my love for said album that I was bandying around comparisons to the likes of Chrissy Steele, Leigh Matty and Sandi Saraya with gay abandon and my well thumbed copy of the Kerrang ‘Ladykillers’ art pamphlet had just got itself a new addition.


October 2011 and I certainly didn’t have to wait long before Issa was once again rocking my world with her second album ‘The Storm’. My love for her voice was reinforced ten fold by the sterling set of tunes on show and it was my review for said album on these hallowed pages of Uber Rock that ended up with the guys at HQ passing on a message directly from Issa herself regarding how much she enjoyed my critical appraisals of her work. I was one very happy man I can tell you, “How could this get any better?” I thought.  “How about an interview with the lady herself?” came the immediate reply.


Cripes…. How would I ever live down my queefing comment?  There’s only one way to find out I guess and that is to catch up with the very lovely Issa.



Firstly thank you for taking the time out to answer my questions. I hope all is well with you, and thank you for releasing two amazing masterpieces in ‘Sign of Angels’ and ‘The Storm’


Can you please give tell us a bit about Issa 2011 & introduce yourself to our readers?


My name is Issa and I have just released my second album ‘The Storm’ earlier this year. My first album ‘Sign of Angels’ was released last year and after a very overwhelming 2010 I’m even more excited this time around as I have contributed with songs of my own such as ‘Invincible’, ‘We’re On Fire’ and ‘The Storm’. I’m so honoured to have such an amazing record company behind me that allows me to grow, and coming from a small country such as Norway I’m even more proud to be out there.


Sign_Of_AngelsAfter the release of your first album, which must have been a great time for you, how did you feel about the reviews of the album, and the general response from fans and critics?


I’ve worked a lot in the music industry during my time, and I know it’s hard to get anywhere, so to be honest I think I was very relaxed when i released my first album. I had no expectations about what was gonna come and I think looking back it’s the best thing in the world, because all my focus went towards the music. I remember when the first reviews came back they where awesome and I was just so happy. The album ‘Sign Of Angels’ had amazing reviews and was a big success and I hope this new album will hit it off just as well. I can’t believe all the positive responses I have got from fans all over the world, and it makes me sad that I cant answer back to everyone that sends me e-mails and messages. Without the people out there buying the albums I could not do what I’m doing.


Is there any chance of some UK shows in the future?


Weeellll- yes there are.  I have just moved to UK and I’m setting up my band as we speak. I hope to be able to confirm some gig dates soon. I love performing live and i just cant wait to start up here in the UK.


What would you say is your musical motivation?


I’ve always been into music and I love singing and writing. Something that really gets my motivation going is listening to big singers or watching a band play.  I would even say just about anything that has to do with music makes me want to do something myself. But of course I would say that the biggest motivation is getting my music out there, to maybe help someone or touch someone. Nothing compares to getting an email from someone out there saying your music has helped them through a hard time in their life.


Issa_1Having been compared to musical heavyweights such as Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Amy Lee (Evanescence). Do you feel that those kinds of comparisons hinder or help you as an artist?


Ha, I would say it’s such a big compliment and that it doesn’t really hinder or help me. I’ve always been a big fan of big singers like Celine Dion, so hearing myself compared with her just puts a smile on my face.  I think the main thing for me is to just be me and sing from the heart. Music to me is about feelings and trying to make someone feel like you do.


What are your thoughts on the current musical landscape?


Firstly I would say the music industry is nothing like it used to be. More and more people download or don’t buy albums, which means that the artist or act don’t sell albums which in turn means the recording budgets are going down and the artist can’t deliver what they could or should. But having said that the technology is so much better now, and even some of the best albums around have been recorded in someone’s bedroom. I guess if you have the passion money isn’t everything either.


Did you relish the chance of songwriting on ‘The Storm’ and will you be working again with the Martin Brothers (Vega, House of Lords, Khymera, Sunstorm) again?


I can with hand on my heart say that I will work with those guys for a very long time, during last year we wrote so many songs together and at that point I didn’t realise that I was gonna release a new album so soon. Even some of the songs we did that are on my album were put on other albums last year. Lucky for me Frontiers could pull them and put them on mine instead at the last minute. It would be a shame not to have one of my own songs on my album but lots on other albums. This time around I’m prepared and were working on songs for future Issa albums.  I would love the next album to be mostly written by me- but well see what the future brings.


Issa_3For me ‘The Storm’ is one of the best AOR releases this year… so what is the next step for Issa’s world domination?


Ha ha – Thank you Dave. Well I’m getting my band together and planning gigs, I’m writing and I’m keeping the best songs to myself for future albums ha ha.  Also I would say my plan is just to keep growing and doing what i do. You always learn in this industry and I’m far from educated enough right now. So I will promise to stick around for a long time. Also dominating the world and earn millions would be awesome- but lets look at that as motivation. Ha ha.


And finally Issa are there any artists you would like to share the stage with?


Of course there are. Lets see…Bryan Adams, Aerosmith, and Celine Dion.  Ha there are sooo many I would love to share a stage with. Funny enough I was so inspired by Marcie Free at Firefest this year that I would put her on my wish list for sharing a stage with. What a singer and what a story.


Thanks Issa for taking the time to chat with me we wish you all the best for whatever the future brings you.


With my interview time out there was just enough time for Issa to put some silver ink onto a few copies of her magical second album ‘The Storm’ for you lucky people to win in our exclusive competition below. Or you could order an unsigned copy from Frontiers Records directly via the link below.






Issa_Signed_Sleeve101Your trusty AOR loving buddies at Uber Rock have managed to get our hands on a handful of (rarer than rocking horse do-do) signed copies of Issa’s second album  ‘The Storm’ – thanks to Faye at No Quarter PR.


All you have to do is send your name and address to [email protected] in an email headed ‘ISSA Comp’ telling us the answer to the following question, and please don’t forget to tell us your name and address (honestly people do forget to do this).


What was Issa’s debut album entitled?


Yup it really is that simple…. Entries must reach us before midnight on Sunday 11th December 2011 (UK Time), and you will get one copy of the album if you one of our lucky winner chosen at random by the URHQ droids.  Usual Uber Rock terms and conditions apply. Four lucky winners each get a signed copy of the album and the winners will be sent their copies directly once the results are announced.  So don’t forget your name and address right!


Good luck!!