zero_headerH13 : Zero Delorean – Diemonsterdie

Written by Gaz E
Friday, 22 October 2010 06:00

Take a look at a photograph of Zero Delorean and tell me that he wasn’t made to be featured in Über Röck’s 13 Days Of Halloween! He was on my hitlist and, when I saw the video that lies in wait for you at the bottom of this page, I knew that he had to be included to up the bodycount.


Fronting horror punks Diemonsterdie out of Salt Lake City, Zero is the kind of character we love here at ÜRHQ and, after this interview, we hope you do too! And, after reading his answer to the question “What ‘star’ of the music world would you like to see slaughtered in gory horror movie style?” I’m sure you will as this alone is worth the admission fee to this dead-end drive-in……


What are your most vivid childhood memories of Halloween?zero240j3


There was this time my mates and I were sorting the candy from a Halloween night’s trick-or-treating and one of us had an apple with a sewing needle pushed into it. That same evening some local pervert tried to convince us to come inside his house and hang out for a while. He was a grown man and we were just young boys. We had to convince one of our number to come along and leave rather than go inside. That kid wasn’t very bright and years later he died young as a result of very poor impulse control when it came to drugs. Some of us make it through, some don’t. That Halloween was one of the first occasions I realized there was true danger in the world.


Why do you think that the worlds of horror and metal/punk have always been so closely linked?


If you were to think of it as a family then horror, metal and punk are all cousins. They share lyrical themes with the main differences being that a metal or punk band can write a horror-lyrics song and it’s still considered metal or punk. A horror band can’t write a metal or punk song and still have it be a horror song. The horror theme in the lyrics has to be there too. All three genres have a tradition of having a distinctive look and sound unique to each genre. It’s like cowboys and indians, despite their obvious differences they are inextricably linked.

What are your thoughts on the state of horror movies at the present time? With all the remakes and rehashes there doesn’t seem to be much original thought going on at present…..


Some of the remakes have been decent. I liked the remakes of The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween.  There are still good original films too, like Zombieland, 28 Days Later and Land Of The Dead. Okay, so a couple of those aren’t all that recent but stillzero240j2within this decade! I think that every decade of horror film-making has possessed its own style and feel. It’s always changing but I don’t see it as ever heading downhill. The classic Universal Studios monster movies of the 30’s and 40’s shifed to the atomic horror themes of the 50’s. The 60’s films were testing the boundaries of what was acceptable film-making which paved the way for the satanic and slasher themes of the 70’s. The 80’s explored over-the-top gore, often with tongue planted firmly in cheek. I don’t recall much specifically about the 90’s but that’s due more likely to lifestyle hazards than forgettable horror movies… Lake Placid with Betty White, was that made in the 90’s? I liked that movie.

Has there been a horror remake yet that has bettered the original movie?


John Carpenter’s remake of The Thing was a much better film than the original. Color film, a far better script, excellent special effects and performances from the actors that were dripping with paranoia. The original 1951 film The Thing From Another World is charming but certainly isn’t as frightening or absorbing as the 1982 remake.

John Carpenter’s Halloween or Rob Zombie’s Halloween?


I’ll give this one to Rob Zombie. It was a brilliant move to explore Michael Myers’ background in greater depth. The original Michael Myers is a two dimensional character compared to Zombie’s version. I’ve always believed the performances in Carpenter’s Halloween are fairly shabby. In the 70’s there must have been a different set of criteria for whatmakes a good actor. Regardless I much prefer everything about Zombie’s Halloween when compared to Carpenter’s Halloween. It may be blasphemy but Zero likes what Zero likes….

Fast zombies or slow zombies?


I’d much rather deal with a herd of slow zombies. You’d have to be a cretin to get yourself dieusecornered by slow zombies. What did you do, stop for a nap? The fast ones are just so damned…fast, ya know? With slow zombies you get to line up your shot for the sweetest spot on an undead cranium and escape is only one good pair of running shoes away.

What’s the greatest ever horror movie kill?


I liked the scene from Ghost Ship where the people are dancing out on the deck of the cruise ship and that cable snaps, flying across the deck and slicing all the people in half. I give that horror movie kill my personal seal of approval.

Who is the baddest ever horror movie villain…and why?


I’d say Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. He was stylishly dressed, had a castle, a harem full of vampire broads catering to his every need, human flunkies bringing him fresh victims and he could hypnotize you with his penetrating stare. Did you know that when Bela Lugosi died, they buried him in his Dracula costume? That’s a cool way to go out.

Who is the greatest ever Scream Queen?


Linnea Quigley. Mainly because she did full frontal nudity in Return Of The Living Dead and remained that way for half the movie. She also sported a presumably shaved, hairless minge which was practically unheard of in 1985.

Name your Top 5 favourite horror movies of all time…and tell us why!!

Return Of The Living Dead – Why? It had cool punk rockers, a great soundtrack, lots of gore, it was a laugh a minute with loads of great lines and there was never a slow moment throughout.


The Shining – Why? Jack Nicholson was scary as Hell, that kid was creepy and annoying, you wanted to see Shelley Duvall get the axe, those dead twin girls…scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


Zombieland – Why? It has a great cast and sharp writing. I loved the Bill Murray scenes and I actually choked up a bit when Bill was shot. I was in shock, I just couldn’t believe what just happened.


Evil Dead 2 – Why? Ash didn’t speak much during the first third of the film but his every movement spoke volumes. I must confess that part of Evil Dead 2’s impact on me had to do with certain psychedelics but it’s like a flash back in time whenever I’ve seen it since. It takes a talented physical actor to convincingly kick his own ass in an entertaining fashion.


Dead Alive – Why? Lionel had a problem when his mother was bitten by a vicious demon rat. His love for his mother took him to some strange places culminating in his interruption of a zombie party with the spinning blades of a gasoline-powered lawn mover. Sharply written with a sick and warped sense of humor and plenty of ultra-violence. What more could one ask for? This film also inspired the Diemonsterdie song ‘Dead Alive’.

What underrated horror movie would you recommend to our readers just in case they have never seen it?


The film Phantasm was severely underrated. It’s a bit confusing and everyone interprets it differently, but that’s a big part of what makes Phantasm a great movie, people’s personal impressions. There’s some genuinely creepy scenes and the flying knife ball is unforgettable. Watch only Phantasm and avoid all the sequels like the plague. Nothing good has ever come from watching a Phantasm sequel.

What ‘star’ of the music world would you like to see slaughtered in gory horror movie style? How and why?


Justin Beiber – How? Slowly pulled feet first into the massive rollers of an old printing press. Why? He recently compared himself to Kurt Cobain. While I don’t think Cobain was a genius, Beiber clearly does. That would mean Beiber also believes himself to be a genius and that’s where the furious neanderthal in the primitive part of my brain comes bubbling to the surface eager to stamp out this insanity lest it spread any further.


Lindsay Lohan – How? Locked in a running clothes dryer full of used syringes. Why? She always manages to defy the laws of man by somehow emerging unscathed. Let’s see how she does versus the laws of physics. Will Lindsay once again walk away unharmed? Stay tuned….


Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag aka “Speidi” – How? Force fed bullshit until they explode. Remains then fed to hungry pigs. Why?  Payback for the damage they’ve dealt to humanity’s collective well-being and for utterly diminishing the definition of the term “celebrity”.

What are your plans for Halloween this year?


Every Halloween Diemonsterdie hosts a party burgeoning with birds, costumes, prizes, beer, beer and more beer, local celebrities, party favors for the enhancement of fun, birds in costumes and of course the inimitable musical stylings of Diemonsterdie and friends. This year will no different only better!!