generation_headerH13 : Max – Generation Graveyard

Written by Gaz E
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:00

“You have the word ‘Graveyard’ in your band’s name and you have a Night Of The Living Dead patch on your jacket – you qualify!” was what I told Max from Generation Graveyard when he questioned if he or his band were right for Über Röck’s 13 Days Of Halloween.


As you should know by now, here at Über Röck we love championing cool young bands who we think you should be checking out lest you be missing out. Again, Generation Graveyard qualify. The band have that spirit that we love here and a cadre of kick-ass songs to back it up. Over to Max……..



What are your most vivid childhood memories of Halloween?


Halloween in the UK has always been a bit lacklustre. And considering I used to sneak watching horror films whenever they were on, Halloween for me wasn’t so much of an event.

Why do you think that the worlds of horror and metal/punk have always been so closely linked?


Because we all look like rejects from a shite B-movie a lot of the time. And because Slayer wouldn’t work as the soundtrack to Sleepless In Seattle

What are your thoughts on the state of horror movies at the present time? With all the remakes and rehashes there doesn’t seem to be much original thought going on at present…..


I think there are a lot of original horror movies coming out, you just have to look for them. There’s a lot of bullshit being consistently thrown up by Hollywood to make a cheap profit, but there’s some awesome horror films coming out of Europe and Asia, like the Thai ‘4bia’ series and the Swedish ‘Let The Right One In’, which has now undergone a remake because apparently reading subtitles is something most people can’t do…..
Has there been a horror remake yet that has bettered the original movie?


John Carpenter’s remake of The Thing From Another World. I think remaking concepts is a much better idea than just remaking movies.

John Carpenter’s Halloween or Rob Zombie’s Halloween?


I havent seen Rob Zombie’s version…so I’ll have to go with John Carpenter’s.

Fast zombies or slow zombies?


There are only slow zombies. I don’t consider fast zombies as being zombies. They’re usually more infected humans ala 28 Days Later. If they’re not it makes no sense, something that’s rotting can’t RUN. Much prefer the slow unstoppable surrounding force provided by the lurching dead.gg3

What’s the greatest ever horror movie kill?

Too many to choose from…so I’ll just go with the ones that stick with me. I’d have to say for style the chainsaw dropped down a stairwell kill in American Psycho is pretty awesome. But ones that really still make me cringe are the meat hook hanging in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and the slow eye vs wood impalement in Zombi 2..

Who is the baddest ever horror movie villain…and why?


Jack Torrance from The Shining. Everyone knows that line!

Who is the greatest ever Scream Queen?


Not really sure what a scream queen is but if we mean best female part in a horror film, I’d have to say Julie Walker’s zombie in Return Of The Living Dead 3 for the pure fuck of it. And Karen from Night Of The Living Dead for being creepy as fuck and committing matricide!

Name your Top 5 favourite horror movies of all time…and tell us why!!


Angel Heart – Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro in controversial voodoo orientated detective horror film noir? Nuff said.


Don’t Look Now – for having one of the best dread building atmospheres in a film.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – The first family of horror.


REC – The unrelenting assault on the senses.




What underrated horror movie would you recommend to our readers just in case they have never seen it?


I was really blown away by REC and its sequel. Massively enjoyable and an awesome sequel with cool twists. Also as I mentioned before the 4bia series are pretty awesome ghost story horror movies. Well worth checking out.

What ‘star’ of the music world would you like to see slaughtered in gory horror movie style?


There’s so many…..At the moment I think top of the list is Vince Neil. He should get crushed by Kurt Russell’s Death Proof muscle car in a head-on collision. The fact the bastard has yet again been arrested for drunk driving shows how little respect he has for people’s lives, let alone his own. Seems a fitting end.

What are your plans for Halloween this year?


Generation Graveyard will be playing at the Intrepid Fox in London on Saturday the 30th of October doing a special Halloween show. Gonna be a few surprises. Get down! CHEERS!