Book Reviews: Tim Cundle – ‘Compression’ and ‘What Would Gary Gygax Do?’

Written by Darrel Sutton
Sunday, 15 November 2015 03:40

Tim Cundle – ‘Compression’ and ‘What Would Gary Gygax Do?’ (Self Published)


Two books from the pen of a man who has been a stalwart of both the underground music scene for many, many years and also an avid fan of wrestling, gaming, comics and general geekdom. Tim Cundle has been the antithesis of everything mainstream and through the medium of the mighty Mass Movement fanzine, both in its original physical form and more recently online, he has proven himself time and again as a person who, when he writes, you want to read. Having been a Mass Movement regular for quite some time, I remember being accosted by Tim one night in TJs with the line “Do you want to buy my book, mate?” That book was ‘Compression’ and was written and published originally under the nom de plume of Martin Crisis. Having always been a bookworm I have to admit I was a little sceptical as to how a novel written by a bloke I frequently bumped shoulders, elbows etc. with, in the pit of many an insane gig, would measure up. Well, pretty damn good actually, and whilst these books are now getting full digital releases via Amazon, iTunes and the like, I must admit it was that original copy I dug out as a refresher before putting finger to keyboard. Oh yeah, I forgot…the books.


Compression‘Compression’ is a mini novel focused around a pair of punk rock anti-heroes cum hometown boys did (fairly) good who return home for a school reunion. Said pair, Flanagan and Elliot, have a dark secret from the past which mingles with various characters present at said reunion. As the skeletons in the closets get rattled, Flanagan is left with choices to make and wrongs to right. Set against a small town South Wales background and laced with humour, both light and dark, and more than a smattering of a punk rock vibe, the story rattles along at great pace, with engaging characters and twists thriller writers of much greater renown would be proud of. I’ve re-read it numerous times over the years and I think it’s a book that will surprise many.


Gygax‘What Would Gary Gygax Do?’ is a completely different but no less compelling read. A series of short stories, it highlights some of the frustrations and challenges that can be faced as a youth who goes against the grain, whether it be taste in music, a love of everything that goes against mainstream ideals; someone just trying to be themselves and stay true to themselves and not conforming to “normal” as prescribed by a tabloid nation. Autobiographical it isn’t, but written with far too much feeling and venom to not be based on personal experience completely, and with the title doffing it’s cap to possibly “the” geek anti-hero you get a good idea of where this book is coming from regarding conforming to any pre-defined opinions. What you will find, if you aren’t a tabloid reading conformist, is a great deal of empathy with the situations presented in the stories and you can quite easily replace “Gary Gygax” with “I” in many instances throughout the book.


So, in summary, two great reads which are still as relevant today as their original releases were, well over a decade ago. Get them downloaded and enjoy.


Both ‘Compression’ and ‘What Would Gary Gygax Do?’ are available through Amazon, iTunes and Kobo.

To visit the Tim Cundle store on Amazon – CLICK HERE