Blag Dahlia – The Dwarves – Interview Exclusive

Written by Darrel Sutton
Sunday, 17 April 2011 05:00

When you receive the new album from a band to review and you find within the accompanying press kit a sheet of paper that boldly lists “25 things you never knew about the band”, you have to admit it takes some balls to actually think you’re either a) important or b) interesting enough, to warrant such a piece of shameless self promotion.  But when we’re talking about the new album from the muthafucking Dwarves then we could all probably add another 25 to the list, such is the legendary status that this band affords itself in the world of Punk Rock ‘n’ Roll.  I mean these guys really are something special you know… the first time URHQ witnessed the Dwarves live the band’s legendary nude guitarist (HeWhoCannotBeNamed) had received a ‘little helping head’ from an adoring audience member before the opening chords of ‘Dominator’ had even left his guitar. 


So, with the band about to release their first new studio album since 2004’s ‘The Dwarves Must Die’ we thought it only right that Darrel Sutton one of the Uber Rockers present that fateful night in Birmingham to pick up the pieces with the Dwarves larger than life frontman Blag Dahlia.  But before we let the chat commence, here’s one of the 25 facts that we thought you all really should know (I wonder who they could be talking about?)…..

THE DWARVES were attacked in 2005 by a disturbed person enraged over one of their recordings. The first Rock ‘n’ Roll battle record, ‘Massacre’ proved the old adage that the truth hurts, but so does being assaulted.

Born_AgainBlag thanks for sparing us some of your time it seems like ages since Johnny H last spoke with you about your Candy Now project, and congratulations on getting The Dwarves through 25 (or is it 27?) years relatively unscathed.

Thanks Darrell, we owe it all to clean living and a positive attitude.

Lets get straight into ‘The Dwarves Are Born Again’ shall we?  Coming pretty soon after the Candy Now and HeWhoCannotBeNamed solo project was it good to get back to The Dwarves?

It was good to get back to making a record someone might actually listen to. I think the ‘Candy Now’ cd is presently working as a coaster at Bed Bath and Beyond.  HeWho’s record was a work of genius and heralded by a tour of San Francisco and some of the East Bay.

The album itself seems to be a combination of all the best bits of the albums from ‘Young And Good Looking’ onwards. Is it where you’d hoped the Dwarves would be circa 2011?

Thank you for saying so. It is a good combo of all the different Dwarves styles from the garage beginning to the sludge punk ‘Free Cocaine’ phase; then the hardcore ‘Blood, Guts era’ and the pop punk ‘Young and Good Looking’ and then the all styles all the time style we developed for the last couple of records. Everyone is saying this one is more ‘punk’ than the last couple of records, too. It’s been a full circle, but not a Perfect Circle, because that would be gay.

BlagFEFUGirlATtack3_06_1The subject matters for the album seems to pretty much sum up how many people wish they lived their lives i.e. “Let’s get high and fuck some sluts”. Are you hoping this becomes a mantra for the youth of today?

Fucking sluts and getting high has occupied the majority of my thinking for the last 30 years or so. I wouldn’t recommend it for everybody, because then there wouldn’t be enough left for me. The youth of today interest me greatly. Especially the female youth of today who wear braces and say OMG a lot.

You also seemed to be goading the moral majority with your video for ‘Stop Me’.  How was the reaction to it?  (I’m amazed Facebook have actually left the link up considering they nearly struck off for a fellow Uber Rocker for posting the classic Stiv Bator’s mangina picture on his profile).

That video was not made by us, it’s a random fan having fun with our song. We encourage these kinds of viral videos and the spreading of actual viruses as well.

You seem to have gotten every known member of the band onto the album in some form.  Any plans to get them onto a stage as well? 

Oh yeah, I want to bring them all together, but I’m not sure their respective parole boards would go for it.

ThrobbleheadsFurthermore, are there any plans for an anniversary tour?

Indeed, Dwarves will cover the globe going to Europe in June, playing California and Vegas in April and May and hitting the Midwest and Colorado in August and September. The UK will get a big bucket of us by the end of the year.  We shall return!

From the touring angle are you also going to be being playing as six-piece now?  Obviously HeWho missed the last UK tour, but that tour for breathtaking. The gig I saw in Bristol was just right and wrong on so many levelsHow did HeWho come to miss that tour, had he died again (laughing)?

He Who appears in many guises and will rejoin us onstage at Punk Rock Bowling in Vegas and other special shows from time to time. You never know when he might die, be resurrected or just get so loaded he falls down the stairs. Look for a new HeWho record next year as well.

OK so looking back at your quarter century plus of making music you first started out back in Chicago way back in the day did you ever envisage still being here now? It’s fair to say there’ve been a couple of obstacles along the way!!

No, we’ve been breaking up since 1983. No one is more surprised than me that we still exist and that we are still so damn good when other old bands get so lame.

Over those years, the band seems to have (rightfully) gained a reputation for all manner of debauchery.  What are the three-standout episodes of debauchery in your opinion?

For me it’s always the fucking of gorgeous underage girls in groups of 2 and 3 in the Netherlands, Chicago and Juarez. For others it’s the stabbings and bludgeonings in LA, Portugal and London, Ontario. Still others favour the thievery, vandalism and bad dental hygiene of the whole damn sordid 25 years. So much debauchery, so little morality!


Must_DieJust for the hell of it someone puts together a touring bill consisting of The Dwarves, Poison Idea, Zeke, GG Allin And The Murder Junkies and The Dead Boys (I forget to tell you the promoter also have powers of resurrection) with an unlimited supply of drugs, booze and sluts.  Who would be the last band standing and why?

Poison Idea because they would eat the rest of us.

Staying on the theme of excess, have there ever been any times when you’ve just thought, “Whoa, this is just going too far”, or is it a case of absolutely anything goes?


Blag you’ve also garnered something of a reputation for writing songs for all sorts of artists (Smashmouth and Good Charlotte to name but two).  Are you happy with how those have turned out or are there any you’ve thought, “Oh fuck, what have you done to my song?”

That’s the wrong way to look at people doing your songs. As long as I get my shot at recording them I’m fine with whatever people do on their versions as long as I get my checks on time. Dipshits like Good Charlotte is more like uncredited work for hire which I am glad to do as long as I’m not held responsible for their total lack of talent or integrity. I’m a whore!

Are there any guys or gals you’d like to work with who you haven’t yet had the pleasure of doing so?

Oh yeah, lots of them. I often tell other artists in music and photography and illustration and dance that I love their work and would like to work with them. They usually smile politely and can’t bring themselves to tell me they can’t stand my music or punk rock in general and the awkwardness of the whole situation makes me happy.

TheDwarvesEsterS_3275_copyFinally then what’s next for the best looking band in show business and their associated ventures? Do you have any solo plans or books up your sleeve?

Mike Routhier and I are doing a podcast called which is doing great and garnering many listeners.  The Dwarves touring band includes Fresh Prince of Darkness, Clint Torres, Chip Fracture, Gregory Pecker and Rex Everything. They all write and record music and I hope to do cool stuff with them over the next couple years as we tour the fuck out of Dwarves Are Born Again. I’m also writing a book about conservatives and the ludicrous things they think and say. Oh, and I’m still getting high and fucking sluts on the regular. Check for dirty pics and free songs. Stay Sick!

Blag, thanks for your time, best of luck with album and tour and here’s to another 25/27 years, we’ll see you on the road sometime soon no doubt.

Thank you Darrell, I really enjoyed it, and don’t forget to check out the following for free songs, videos and dirty pictures, check the Dwarves site at-


Ending with that unashamed plug for the best looking band in show business Darrel had to bid goodbye to the anti-hero of rock stars worldwide.  Having already heard the band’s fantastic new album, all of us at URHQ would just like to take the opportunity to say a huge “thank you” to Blag for taking the time to chat with us once again.  We wish The Ripper and his crew of fuck ups all the best with whatever they do next (we just hope they manage to stay out of jail long enough to do it).  But one things for sure and that is with this new album The Dwarves Really Are Born Again.



THE DWARVES cannot be seen in mirrors or when the sun is out, but you can see them live in concert soon at a theater near you. Rock critics get in free with library card!