Adam Wakeman – Headspace/Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath –  Interview Exclusive

Written by Jim Rowland
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 04:00

Adam Wakeman is a musician in demand right now; if he’s not playing the keyboards with his father on various projects then he’s touring the globe with Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne playing some guitar as well. Most recently he’s also become a member of Headspace, a UK progressive quintet who boast within their ranks members of Threshold, It Bites and Hot Leg and have just released a highly recommended debut album going by the name of ‘I Am Anonymous’.


Adam very kindly took some time out from his hectic schedule preparing for the band’s imminent tour of Europe to chat with me about what fans attending the shows can expect, what makes Headspace as a band tick, plus whether he’s ever been tempted to wear a cape on stage.



Hi Adam thanks for taking the time to talk with Uber Rock ahead of your upcoming tour.


My pleasure.


Okay lets go back to the debut album from Headspace to kick things off. Have you been pleased with the reaction to the ‘I Am Anonymous’ album?


We are all extremely pleased with how well the album has been received. We made the album we wanted to make, the way we wanted to make it but it’s always nice to know that people are enjoying it.


So would you describe Headspace as a Progressive Rock band or a Progressive Metal band?


Personally, I’d say it’s somewhere in the middle. This was a problem for some record labels originally who wanted us to be one way or the other. As I mentioned before, this album wasn’t about being Prog Metal or Prog Rock, it was about making the best album we could, the way we wanted to. It ‘evolved’ into what it is.


Headspace_bandwGiven the fact that the various members have interests outside of Headspace, so you see Headspace as a ‘project’ or a band? Is it a priority for you all now?


The whole point of this was to be a ‘band’ for all of us. As you say, we all work with many other artists but Headspace is our band and it’s important to keep it that way. Its a band made up of the sum of its 5 members. As for prioritising it, we all have family & financial commitments, so Headspace (currently) can’t be our only priority. We would all like to drop everything and only work on Headspace tours and albums but that’s just not possible at this time.


Your keyboard playing on the album is very impressive. What keyboard players do you admire and/or have influenced you?


My father was my first main influence and has been a source of inspiration throughout my career. I always liked the late Jon Lord’s Hammond playing and Dr. John’s piano playing style.


So who could you cite as influences for Headspace?


Yes, Genesis, Led Zep, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation.. the list is endless. I think it’s important to acknowledge your influences so long as you are creative and individual with your approach to making new music.


Have you always been a fan of progressive rock and which bands do you particularly rate?


I didn’t really like Prog as a youngster. I swapped a YES album for a football when I was about 10. I became more of a fan as I got older, and more appreciative of different styles of music. I then got into my dad’s early stuff, and Genesis, Marillion and Yes. Currently, my favourite bands in the field are Pain Of Salvation and Coheed & Cambria, although I wouldn’t put either of them exclusively in the Prog genre.


Headspace_coverartWhat’s the difference between working with Ozzy Osbourne and Rick Wakeman?


Ozzy’s tours are generally big festivals and arena type shows with the band, whereas my dad tends to perform one off events with orchestras and a band nowadays. I love doing both because they’re so different. I get to play quite a lot of guitar with Ozzy & Sabbath whereas my dad’s stuff is way busier in the keyboard department as you’d expect!


I briefly mentioned it in my intro, so tell us what fans can expect from the forthcoming Headspace tour.


We’re going to play the album in it’s entirety from start to finish which will be a challenge. (laughs) We’re only doing a handful of shows this year so wanted to make it a cohesive event which is why we asked fellow Brit Prog band Haken to come and join us.


Finally, does your Dad still have his capes, and would you consider wearing one on stage?


Ha! Good question. I am constantly asked by Kelly (Osbourne) when I’m going to grace the stage with Ozzy wearing a cape….The time will come, when people least expect it..

I think my dad has a few left from the old days. He probably wears them when he’s cooking in the kitchen or putting the bins out. Maybe. (laughing)



I’d like to thank Adam for taking time out of his busy schedule preparing for the aforementioned Headspace European tour which runs through the following dates/cities and venues:


Sep 5th Headspace + Haken Spirit of 66, Verviers (B)

Sep 7th Headspace + Haken Lakei, Helmond (NL)

Sep 8th Headspace + Haken De Boerderij, Zoetermeer (NL)

Sep 9th Headspace + Haken Das Rind, Rüsselsheim (D)

Sep 21st Headspace + Haken The Musician, Leicester (UK)

Sep 23rd Headspace + Haken The Borderline, London (UK)


I’d also like to thank Freddy Palmer at Inside Out Music for making this interview possible.


To pick up your copy of ‘I Am Anonymous’ – CLICK HERE