Gary Lammin – The Bermondsey Joyriders – Interview Exclusive

Written by Johnny H
Wednesday, 18 May 2011 05:00

When the debut album from The Bermondsey Joyriders tore though URHQ like a whirlwind of spontaneous Punk Rock back in 2009, we were all left thinking what a refreshing blast of slide guitar fueled Rock ‘n’ Roll it was.  Then as quickly as they came into our lives by mid 2010 things suddenly went a bit quiet, but as they say in the book of Rock ‘n’ Roll “you can’t keep a great band down for long.” 

Fast forward to 2011 and The Bermondsey Joyriders have not only gone and recruited ex Damned drummer Rat Scabies to bolster their already rock steady rhythm section founded by Martin Stacey, but they also just tore a sonic hole in London’s Oxford Street via a groundbreaking show at London’s 100 Club with ex MC5 manager and mentor John Sinclair.  All of this being a precursor to the band’s soon to be released second album ‘Noise and Revolution’. 

But hey I’m getting ahead of myself here, so who better to fill us in on exactly what is going on with The Bermondsey Joyriders, than the one and only Gary Lammin singer and guitarist with the bands. I caught up with Gary recently to get all the facts and also find out if a certain Mr. Scabies had been behaving himself?


Hi Gary it’s been a year and a half since we last spoke with The Bermondsey Joyriders how are things in SE1?


Yeah! All is going great at the moment. Our 100 Club gig was a triumph as much as it was a relief as we went straight into a high profile gig with a very unusual concept. John Sinclair had to fly in from Detroit and so we were unable to do a low profile gig to test out the narration and poetry prior to playing ‘Noise and Revolution’ live for the very first time.  John Sinclair links all the tracks into a story with narration and poetry so we were all very nervous that this brilliant album and story line could be re-created to actually work live. In actual fact it could not have gone any better and The Bermondsey Joyriders have been receiving messages and correspondence since the gig at The 100 Club on Facebook saying that what we have created is a unique new genre of Rock ‘n’ Roll. In fact another persons take on it was that it is life changing.  So I think you can see how worried we were, because we knew that we had something very very special…something special BUT and was a big big but could we reproduce it in a live situation?  We know we can now! John Sinclair has even said that its bordering on genius and John wasn’t in the least worried that it would work, all the time John kept telling The Bermondsey Joyriders to relax because he knew that it was going to go like a dream. I was shitting myself though!


You’re mentioned you’re second album  ‘Noise and Revolution’ there, so how’s things shaping up?


Well as I just explained ‘Noise and Revolution’ works a dream live and The Bermondsey Joyriders have just got to find the right deal for it now.  John Sinclair narrating poetry that links a story of urban decay via a glam punk backdrop…its a mind blast!


So when can we expect to be able to hear/buy this little gem?


In the past I’ve always done things in a DIY punk style but people are advising me now to find the right deal for ‘Noise and Revolution’. Its a difficult one because now I’ve seen the response to ‘Noise and Revolution’ I’m mad keen to get it out and to start touring it, but other more knowledgeable people than me are saying Gary this deserves a big promotion, so I’m having to hold back on my usual impetuous nature of doing things!




Of course you’ve recently added to the line up the one and only Rat Scabies on drums, how’s it working out for you guys? 


We had wanted Rat Scabies to be The Bermondsey Joyriders drummer all along.  I mean if you want to play full on punk Rock ‘n’ Roll he has got to be the man. He is a very exciting drummer and Rat himself is saying that my guitar work connects with his drumming like it only ever connected with Brian James, so that’s a nice accolade from the old sod.


And behind the desk for ‘Noise and Revolution’ is Cure/Depeche Mode producer David M. Allen.  I hope you don’t mind me saying that seems and odd choice for a spontaneous rock n roll band?  What’s the story there then?


When Rat Scabies first got involved with The Bermondsey Joyriders he said to me that the last thing we needed was anymore Rock ‘n’ Roll as it was dripping and oozing all over the place. In fact Rat said it sounded like a cross between The New York Dolls via The MC5 mixed with The Stooges and that was plenty enough Rock ‘n’ Roll for anyone, and that therefore we needed someone who could gather it all up and make radio friendly. So yeah Dave M Allen was on the surface of it all an odd choice but he done great for us. I couldn’t have got the result that Dave caught for me and he got what I had in mind straight away and his support to me was fantastic. The last time a producer could read me like that was Dave Goodman, the original Sex Pistols producer.


You’ve just mentioned your debut show with the current line up at the 100 Club, how did that feel for you guys? (The stuff on YouTube from the show sounds fantastic by the way)


Yeah as I said earlier The Bermondsey Joyriders were all wondering if we could re-create something so different from anything that was around, live as well as in the studio, and as you say the YouTube stuff looks and sounds great.




John Sinclair (who is also on ‘Noise and Revolution’) joined you for the show didn’t he? Tell us how that whole collaboration came about?


Well hold onto you hat mate cos I’m going to lay a very definitive example of synchronicity on ya…ready?


Ok so when Marty The Bermondsey Joyriders bass player and me were in California for the first time we were hanging out as this guy’s house in Long Beach and he was a mad MC5 fan.  He had just about every piece of film footage you could get and so I say to Marty when John Sinclair is being interviewed that we should try and get in contact with John Sinclair.  Marty in his usual sensible non-dream like way says “Gary, you’re bonkers how on Earth could we ever hook up with a legend like John Sinclair?” BUT when I got back to London eight weeks later there’s a message on my mobile that I had left at home (I can never get a signal in The USA) and it’s from a guy called John Brett who runs a vintage film poster shop and he said that he has booked a gig for John Sinclair to do his poetry and John Sinclair has requested a slide guitarist to back him as he speaks his poetry!!!


I kid you not.   When I listened to the message I just sat down and thought to myself how strange and yet how neat is that? So I go to the gig and I lay this swampy bluesy New Orleans type soup all over the place with my electric slide guitar and John Sinclair says, “Where did you come from all of a sudden?” And from there we kept in contact and we did some more gigs with me doing the swamp slide soup and then I tell John about my idea for ‘Noise and Revolution’ and he simply says “OK I’m interested, let’s do it”


I also hear on the grapevine Gary that you’ve taken a new angle on Guerrilla Gigging? Tell us a bit more about that will you?


Well…if your gonna knock about with the likes of John Sinclair you really have to do your bit for the old power to the people stuff, so we descended on this coffee shop that used to be a great gig, it used to be The Gaff, and we burst in there singing songs of revolution as a protest to yet another corporate big shot taking something away from the community, and there’s all these people, doing weekend family stuff, you know reading the Financial Times whilst drinking coffee and eating cakes and we’re expecting them to be greatly outraged but guess what? Everyone starts clapping and joining in the singing and even the counter staff is joining in with the feelgood vibe. In fact it only got out of hand when a chocolate chip cookie display stand got knocked over! How’s that for spontaneous anarchy? (much laughter)




That sounds like a great concept any plans for any more of these style shows?


Maybe…but I gotta keep a low profile for the time being as I’m wanted by The FBI as the worlds number one chocolate chip cookie stand demolisher (laughing)


Also any plans in The Bermondsey Joyriders finally getting a full UK tour in support of ‘Noise and Revolution’? 


If we can find a backer or agent then the people of the UK would be able to witness and be part of something that is as one punter described as “LIFE CHANGING!”


It would be great if you guys could sort of champion an Independent UK tour package of great new bands a sort of a two fingers up to Live Nation’s grip on the Nation…so to speak.


If you guys can help spread the word of what a unique show that is ‘Noise and Revolution’ then yeah we could set it up.


_DSC5288bwTalking of new bands are there any you guys have come across that you have been blown away by recently?  We’ve just got into a band called the Slytones who are pretty damn wicked.


I’ve been soaking myself in old vintage English films for the last year in order to gain research for ‘Noise and Revolution’ I haven’t been getting out to many gigs but check out this…the Bethia Beadman Band – it’s very reflective and has a kind of very esoteric vibe going on. It’s chilled but somehow edgy as well.  Quite extraordinary.



Finally Gary, if Bermondsey Joyriders could do one huge thing in the next twelve months to make a difference in this world we live in what would you like it to be?


To make everyone realise that anything that you do in this particular dimension will affect you directly. So many people don’t realise that everything that you do will affect you as well. Nobody has to put up with crap… but don’t dish it out either!  I hear so many people going on about that they know their rights…sure! But how many of us also know about what constitutes our own “responsibilities?” That’s the crux I reckon, stop claiming that you know your individual rights and tune into your responsibilities.


And with that remarkably pensive thought we’d like to thank you Gary for once again taking the time to speak with us.  It’s always a pleasure to speak with you.  We wish you all the best for ‘Noise and Revolution’ and hope to see you live sometime soon.


Thanks mate from Gary Lammin and The Bermondsey Joyriders.



With the prospect of ‘Noise and Revolution’ being one of those once in a lifetime type of albums for a band, things certainly look like they are heading in the right direction for The Bermondsey Joyriders right now, so why not check the band out ahead of the release of the album and tell them Uber Rock sent you.