vikki5002H13 : Vikki Spit – SPiT LiKE THiS

Written by Gaz E
Saturday, 23 October 2010 06:00

Über Röck has been fighting in the SPiT LiKE THiS corner from day one. With frontman Zion providing epic blogs for us since our creation – “Über’s alive!” – and an unmastered promo copy of the Chris Tsangarides-produced forthcoming album ‘Normalityville Horror’ oozing out of our speakers for the past couple of months, we have, and will continue to, champion everything that creeps out of the SLT universe.


If you have an Über Röck t-shirt, or have lusted after one of the handsome bastards wearing one, then you should know that the gruesome garment was actually created by the fair hand of Vikki Spit. She has been there for us, touching cloth, since day one, so we just had to give her the opportunity to get her crazed thoughts on Halloween and horror flicks out there for your enjoyment. Also, that Zion is bleedin’ everywhere 😉 



What are your most vivid childhood memories of Halloween?


Mainly disappointment. Nothing scary ever happened, no matter how much we said “Bloody Mary” or “Candyman” into a mirror, no murderous phantoms ever appeared and attempted to kill us. Attempts at Ouija boards ended up in rows over who was pushing the glass around – although, now I think of it, what if we were all telling the truth? There might be a lot of ghosts seriously annoyed by kids from South London, they go to all the effort to push a glass around, and we just argue over who isn’t playing right??


I remember once knocking on Ainsley Harriott’s door (he also lived in South London) fully expecting loads of amazing home made halloween treats – nope. His dog took a dislike to mine (well, she was dressed as a vampire) and we got some mini mars bars or something rubbish like that.


See, more disappointment.


Why do you think that the worlds of horror and metal/punk have always been so closely linked?


I guess because both have association with THE DEVIL!!!! and evil and general naughtyness. The imagery from horror films is very inspiring for a band trying to stand out from the crowd, and who wants to watch bad people do sick and twisted things to a soundtrack of Abba? Although, that might be really, really sinister – yeah, the winner takes it all….


What are your thoughts on the state of horror movies at the present time? With all the remakes and rehashes there doesn’t seem to be much original thought going on at present…..


I liked Paranormal Activity – apart from the ending, that was disappointing. I won’t go into it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, that seemed to me to be a new twist, it was scary, but it was so subtley done. I thought it was clever and original. I am, however, sick to the back teeth of things like the Scream and Final Destination sequels. Yes, the first films were good, very clever, bravo. Oh, you made a sequel, the same thing happens as in the first film, some people are different and they die in slightly different ways, but it’s essentially the same film. Right. Oh, you’ve made another one…BORING!


Has there been a horror remake yet that has bettered the original movie?


Errrrr….. I think that is largely a matter of personal taste and opinion. I can’t think of much off the top of my head, I’ve not been thrilled by any remakes so far. I do really like John Carpenter’s The Thing, but I’ve not seen the original so can’t compare. JC’s version was very good though.


John Carpenter’s Halloween or Rob Zombie’s Halloween?


Again, not see Robbo’s one yet – did I mention I work my butt off Rocking The World and making t-shirts for lovely people, so rarely have time to actually watch a film?! Poor me 🙁


Would like to see RZ’s version though, I do like his films.. as you will soon see…


Fast zombies or slow zombies?


I freakin’ LOVE Zombies! I went through a stage a couple of years back where I watched loads of Zombie films in the space of a few weeks, result: I had Zombie dreams, lots of Zombie dreams…Want to hear my favourite Zombie Dream?? Yeah? ok then..


So it was a Dawn of the Dead meets 28 Days Later style scenario, based in London, but there were survivors. Me and Zion were at my mum’s house in her kitchen. She has one of those fully glazed kitchen doors that leads out to her garden. A zombie had gotten into her garden, and was stood on the other side of the door waving a string of silver sausages at us in an attempt to get us to come outside so he could eat our brains. My mum, fag hanging from her lip (disgusting habit), stood close to the door, Zombie, overexcited, pressed up to the glass, quick as anything, mum whipped out a drill, and boom! She’d drilled through the glass, straight into Zombie’s brain, and Zombie’s head expolded all over the other side of the glass door!


And back to the question… Slow Zombies have their place, but fast Zombies are way scarier.


What’s the greatest ever horror movie kill?


Dude, I have no doubt in my answer to this, the first time I saw it, I insisted that we go back so I could see it again. The Devil’s Rejects, the part when the poor woman escapes from the motel room and runs for freedom – but due to having her dead and skinned husband’s face on like a mask, runs straight into the road and is in a split second reduced to a puddle of guts by a juggernaught. So fast, and so unexpected!

Who is the greatest ever Scream Queen?


Gotta be Jamie Lee Curtis – but I do love Drew Barrymore on the phone at the beginning of Scream.

Who is the baddest ever horror movie villain…and why?


Hmmm, toss up between Jigsaw from the Saw movies, and Dr Lector, Silence of the Lambs.


My reasons for picking these two is that they are real, human, psychopaths. They’re not monsters from nightmares like Leatherface, they are well thought out characters with a history and a raison d’etre. They don’t just kill mindlessly, everything they do is thought out and meticulously planned and executed (excuse the pun).


They exist with their own code of conduct and their own twisted sets of morals which, when you get down to it, aren’t so far from our basic day to day morals, they just take it a bit further and go the next “logical” step. What I love is that you find yourself empathising with them and you almost start to agree with their thinking, you are impressed with their intellect, drawn in by their apparent logic, yet utterly repulsed by what they do. Jigsaw in particular, he really was a regular guy before circumstance made him re-evaluate his life – cruelly cut short by cancer, the life of the child his wife miscarried – these things happened to him, yet all around he saw vikki2403people who he judged did not deserve the life they were so lucky to have, or did not appreciate it, and he did something about it. He gave people choices, if they followed his rules, they would earn their lives, and they would appreciate it as a result. If the failed, then they can’t have wanted their life that much, can they?


Name your Top 5 favourite horror movies of all time…and tell us why!!


From Dusk til Dawn
Natural Born Killers
Silence Of The Lambs
28 Days Later
Shaun Of The Dead


Ok, I just started typing films and stopped when I got to 5. Shit, 30 Days Of Night…This is not an easy question, I’ll spend the next week going “crap, I forgot….!” OK, lets just go with what I have.


From Dusk Til Dawn, starts as a heist, ends up insane ways of killing vampires! It’s just funny, gory, sexy and the first time you see it, so long as no bugger gives it away, you can’t quite believe the sudden and inexplicable change!


Natural Born Killers is one of my all-time favourite films. I love how twisted it is, the “truetrueforeverandever” love of Micky and Mallory, the trail of death and destruction they leave, the bright colours, the wacky soundtrack – the flashback Mallory has to when she first met Micky, she’s in her American sitcom comedy home, abusive, fat, evil father, mother turning a blind eye, and it has a laughter track under it! Genius. Oh, then they kill ’emvikki240bw and burn the house down and drive away into the night together, how romantic 🙂


Silence Of The Lambs – as I mentioned before, Dr Lector is just scary, and I also very much like Buffalo Bill’s “It rubs the lotion in its skin or else it gets the hose again!”


28 Days Later: The first thing that struck me with this film was empty London – how freaky! It’s up there coz I like zombies, and I like how they did everything they could to keep it real.


Shaun Of The Dead – again, I like zombies, I like Simon Pegg, I really like the sequence where they are killing zombies with snooker cues to a soundtrack of ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ by Queen.


What underrated horror movie would you recommend to our readers just in case they have never seen it?


Errrrrrrrr, I dunno. I saw The Fourth Kind the other week, that was really good, but aliens rather than horror. Still good though.


What ‘star’ of the music world would you like to see slaughtered in gory horror movie style? How and why?


All of ’em. Well, ok, they were on my TV today and I can’t understand how they’ve managed to breath for so long, so I pick Jedward! And I’d like them to be made into some kind of living montage aka House Of 1000 Corpses. Thanks, when will you be doing it? You’re offering to do it aren’t you Gaz? This isn’t just a rhetorical question, is it?


What are your plans for Halloween this year?


I hope we shall be playing a gig where lots of people have dressed up in very good, gory costumes, but we shall see…..

Sadly (well not really sadly, it’d piss me off all the rest of the year) we live in the middle of nowhere, so we don’t get kids going trick or treat round here, probably a good thing actually as last time we lived somewhere that had kids doing that, I *may* have put a live ferret in a pillowcase along with mini mars bars and told the kids “your fingers, your risk” and also opened the door with a bloody great sword and scream WHAT?? at a kid’s father…

I’m great with kids…