Ginger Wildheart – G.A.S.S. (A Retrospective) 

Written by Rich Hobson
Sunday, 24 May 2015 03:00

Hard to believe, 12 months on from the start of G.A.S.S. that the project has finally ended. No more waking up on the first of each month eagerly anticipating a new feast of earworms, no more passionately constructed reviews of horror movies and albums (which, even if they don’t float your boat – as they often didn’t for me – benefit from Ginger’s writing style which oozes his love for the records), and no more incredibly candid updates from the man himself.


So, where do we stand, now that the project has ended? Well, we’re in a pretty damn good position. 36 new and original songs better off than when we started, some of which probably would never have fitted in on any other Ginger release, and we’re also a whole lot richer in unreleased demos and songs, some of which are wonderful little alt-versions of popular tracks (the Cheap Trick style bedroom renditions of ‘Superpower Superfly’ and ‘You Took The Sunshine From New York’ leap to mind) while others are wistful promises of what could have been (with demoed projects including potential Alice Cooper collaborations and a proposed stadium-rock supergroup). Put that together and you get some very happy ears over the 12 month period, well worth the price of admission alone.


ginger casket-600


Then there’s the rest of the content; Ginger’s diary is so candid that at times it feels a little voyeuristic, but ultimately it’s the kind of insight you often don’t get into the workings of not only a musician, but somebody who suffers (pretty severely at times) with depression. As uncomfortable as some entries can be, they also offer the kind of no-bullshit honesty that often lacks in depression-related media, not pandering to any kind of stiff-upper-lip “keep calm and carry on” mentality, nor does it hold your hand and stroke your hair like you’re a three year old with a skinned knee; it’s utterly open about the shitty reality but keeps everything in perspective in realistic, tangible terms. If you view nothing else of the content on G.A.S.S., be sure to read through the diary, as it’s the most honest and respectful depiction of depression you’re likely to find, which sometimes can be just the thing you need to remember that you really aren’t in it alone.


Elsewhere, there’s the monthly Q&A section, which at times can be wonderfully glib and hilarious (as was the Q&A on the old Wildhearts web-page), and others touchingly sincere. There’s also a monthly podcast (often clocking in at well over an hour), sometimes with guests (Courtney Love’s band, Random Jon Poole and even Ginger’s youngest all get a look in), and at other times its a solo venture. The podcast is a faithful little companion to fill you in on all things Ginger for that particular month, with anecdotes aplenty like a miniature ‘Songs and Words’ warmer.




Ginger’s reviews section (split into two with Ginger’s Horror Corner and Ginger’s Secret History of Rock N Roll) belie his talents as a passionate writer, covering personal favourites and iconic landmarks in such a way that even if you don’t agree with the man, you can get a tangible sense of the passion that the pieces invoke. The Secret History of Rock N Roll is a particularly interesting mix – covering everything from Big Black’s ‘Songs About Fucking’ to ABBA’s ‘Arrival’, the records span a massive variety of tastes and create a strange chronology if listened to at the end of each month’s songs, where specific elements scream the influences they’ve had on particular songs, even if it’s not immediately apparent on first listen.


All of this just drives home how Ginger has helped to continually innovate the fan-musician relationship, offering genuinely interesting content rather than the same old rehashed half bored studio updates, pulling together something which comes across as a genuine pay-off for the loyalists out there who’ve followed him through thick and thin. If you’ve not invested in G.A.S.S. already, then do it now (via the link below); the whole project is set to remain on-line indefinitely, and will suck up as many months of your time as you’re willing to offer it.



The Choice Cuts: Month by Month G.A.S.S. Coverage


12 months of digital releases makes for an absolute bitch when reviewing – for my review of the first 4 months I went through 2,000 or so words covering each and every song of the G.A.S.S. Project (you can read that in full HERE). So instead, it seems easier (for me and for you, whose attention span is sure to wane eventually) to shorthand the whole thing, and cover each month’s highlights as a separate release.



May 2014


May 2014The Songs:


1.Everything (feat. Givvi Flynn)

2.That’s A Nasty Habit You’ve Got There (feat. Jason Sanderson)

3.Bloody Knees (feat. Givvi Flynn, Random Jon Poole)

4.Ice (demo)

5.The Jackson Whites (demo)


The Words:


The first month of G.A.S.S. was pretty much everything that you’d hope a new Ginger release would be – a hard rockin’ slab of pop-leaning sensibility, G.A.S.S. got off to a pretty strong start with a blast of songs which feel like they’d make a successful run at any Ginger show. From the poptastic chorus of ‘Everything’ to the batshit cacophony of ‘Bloody Knees’, 12 months on these songs sound as fresh and exciting as they did when May 1st 2014 rolled around. And the demos! ‘Ice’ comes out as a Wildhearts’ song that never was, with quite possibly the catchiest, sleekest hook of any song in Ginger’s career.


Must Hear Songs: ‘That’s A Nasty Habit You’ve Got There’ + ‘Ice’



June 2014


June 2014The Songs:


1.El Mundo (Slow Fatigue) (feat. Tammy King, Ash Sheehan)

2.Hellbound (feat. Tammy King, Jase Edwards)

3.King Rat (feat. Chris Catalyst)

4.You Are The Light (demo)

5.How I Survived The Punk Wars (demo)


The Words:


Taking things in a very different direction, G.A.S.S. month two is a much more subtle affair. The songs roar a lot less than in May, but replace that with a sweet sense of nostalgia, nowhere more pronounced than on ‘King Rat’, a loving tribute to Good Rats frontman Peppi Marchello. June’s demos of Hey!Hello!’s ‘How I Survived The Punk Wars’ and ‘You Are The Light’ couldn’t be any more different – whereas ‘Punk Wars’ is a slab of aggressive punk rockery, ‘…The Light’ is something more akin to the prettier arrangements found on ‘555%’.


Must Hear Songs: ‘King Rat’ + ‘You Are The Light’



July 2014


July 2014The Songs:


1.Only Henry Rollins Can Save Us Now (feat. Kelii Compulsive)

2.Do You (feat. Kelii Compulsive)

3.Petite Morte (feat. Nathan Connolly, Yolanda Quartey)

4.Friction In My System (demo)

5.Patience and Gratitude (demo)


The Words:


A mixture of roaring rock ‘n’ roll and subtle song craftery, July’s release introduces the wonderful talents of Obsessive Compulsive vocalist Kelii Compulsive (who went on to appear with the Ginger Wildheart band) and (ex?) Phantom Limb vocalist Yolanda Quartey, whose contributions add a whole new flavour to the Ginger Wildheart mix. ‘….Rollins’ is an absolute belter, so it’s not surprising that it has become a mainstay of the live setlist. July’s demos includes the first Alice Cooper demo, the vintage sounding ‘Friction In My System’ which is a chunky slab of classic rock.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Only Henry Rollins Can Save Us Now’ + ‘Friction In My System’



August 2014


August 2014 finalThe Songs:


1.Honour (feat. Micko Larkin, Courtney Love, Neil McMinn)

2.Down The Dip (feat. Kelii Compulsive, Ben Janet, Yolanda Quartey)

3.If You Find Yourself In London Town (feat. Micko Larkin, Neil McMinn)

4.Melancholic (demo)

5.Begin From Within (demo)


The Words:


Released around the time that Ginger was on-tour with Courtney Love’s band, it’s unsurprising that the whole band make an appearance on this month’s release. Courtney’s vocal on ‘Honour’ is the kind of snarl that imitators envy her for, and the whimsical ‘London Town’ is a sweet, slightly subdued drop in pace from its predecessors. It’s ‘Down The Dip’ that takes the crown though, with a planetary sized riff and vocal (courtesy of both Kelii and Yolanda). Demo-wise, there’s the 80’s ballad style ‘Melancholic’ and an early version of ‘555%’s ‘Begin From Within’, with a much more pronounced funk rock vibe.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Down The Dip’ + ‘Begin From Within’



September 2014


September 2014The Songs:


1.The Pendine Incident (feat. Kelii Compulsive, Laura Wilcockson)

2.Carriageway Roses (feat. Steve Conte, Tim G, Yolanda Quartey)

3.Brand New Original Sin (feat. Micko Larkin, Neil McMinn)

4.Shine (demo)

5.Superpowered Superfly (demo)


The Words:


The most diverse month yet in the project, the G.A.S.S. hits its stride here with three songs that, whilst they shouldn’t work together, really do. ‘The Pendine’ is a brilliantly upbeat sing-along, whilst ‘Carriageway Roses’ is a moodier foray into musical territories not really touched by Ginger before. Add to that the zest of an all-out belter in ‘Brand New Original Sin’, and you’ve got a pretty good cross-section of styles. September’s demos include a try-out for an LA supergroup (featuring Duff McKagan and Steve Stevens) and a cosier version of the Ginger-penned Michael Monroe track ‘Superpowered Superfly’, cutting out much of the flamboyance of the original track.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Carriageway Roses’ + ‘Superpowered Superfly’



October 2014


October 2014The Songs:


1.Don’t Stop Loving The Music (feat. Jake Adams, Jasmine Adams, Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole)

2.The Whiskey And You (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole, Tim McGraw cover)

3.Ostracide (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole)

4.Bloodlust (demo, Venom cover)

5.Molly O Lindy (demo)


The Words:


Once again taking note of Ginger’s touring habits, G.A.S.S. October is basically the Halloween Hootenany Ginger Wildheart Band (sans Kelii Compulsive) for a straightforward rock ‘n’ roll release. It wouldn’t be Ginger without some twist though, and this month this is provided by a cover of the Tim McGraw song ‘The Whiskey And You’, drawing on Ginger’s professed love for Country music. Demo-wise, everything goes a little Halloween for a ‘Mutation’ era cover of the brain shredding Venom track ‘Bloodlust’, and the 2nd Alice Cooper demo ‘Molly O Lindy’, which provides a subtler, more menacing approach to horror.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Ostracide’ + ‘Bloodlust’



November 2014


November 2014The Songs:


1.Mr T & Me

2.Location, Location, Location (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole)

3.One Way Down (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Taylor Graley, Random Jon Poole)

4.It’s Only Natural (demo)

5.The Thin Line (Between Love and Insanity) (demo)


The Words:


The first track of the project to feature absolutely no guests, ‘Mr. T & Me’ is a sweet ode to Ginger’s youngest Taylor (who actually appears on ‘One Way Down’). Elsewhere, November hits out with sweet arrangements on ‘Location’ and the lighter-aloft track ‘One Way Down’. Demo wise, November offers another reworked and stripped back ‘555%’ track (namely You’re The One), alongside a second song from the supergroup, which provides a hard-rock contrast.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Mr T & Me’ + ‘It’s Only Natural’



December 2014


December 2014The Songs:


1.The Last Day of Summer (feat. Thea Ford, Robin Guy, Jason Knight, Hollis Mahady, Matt Nasir, David Ryder Prangley, Saffron Sprackling)

2.Toxins & Tea (feat. Jake Adams, Jasmine Adams, Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Taylor Graley, Chris Harrison, Random Jon Poole, Andy Riley, Catherine Roberts, Dave Roberts)

3.Adrenalina (feat. Kelii Compulsive, Taylor Graley, Oliver Sekunda, Jake Szufnarowski)

4.Chutzpah! Virpi Mix (whole album)

5.Chutzpah! Rehearsal Demos (whole album)

6.American Man (demo)

7.Signs (demo)


The Words:


Jesus! December ended with two full albums of demos/re-mixes, an absurd number of guests (though not as many as Ginger’s Birthday Bash) and an appearance from the whole next generation of the Ginger Wildheart family on ‘Toxins & Tea’. The tracks themselves spoil you for quality too; ‘The Last Day of Summer’ is sweet, whilst ‘Toxins & Tea’ feels like a cheeky whimsical sing-along and ‘Adrenalina’ is pure balls to the wall rock ‘n’ roll. Add to this a couple of eclectic demos, one of which is an early version of 555%’s’ Baby Skies’, and December showed off that G.A.S.S. could do Christmas better than anybody else.


Must Hear Songs: ‘Toxins & Tea’ + ‘Signs’



January 2015


Janaury 2015The Songs:


1.Right In The Feels (feat. Chris Catalyst, Chloe Marina Dance)

2.The Uninvited (feat. Thea Ford, Robin Guy, Jason Knight, Hollis Mahady, Dave McPherson, Matt Nasir, David Ryder Prangley)

3.Friends of Bill (feat. Jimmy Ashhurst, Mike “Bull’s Eye” Bowen, Robin Diaz, Kayla Parzynski, Mark Gemini Thwaite)

4.Wherever You Go, There You Are (demo)

5.Lively Boy (demo)


The Words:


After the big party that was December, it makes sense to cool off with January’s release. Or at least, it does up until ‘Friends of Bill’, which is among the most pulsing, thunderous tracks Ginger has ever released. Attributed to a band line up he calls “Elizabeth”, ‘Friends..’ kicks things back up right after the gentle, incredible arrangement of ‘The Uninvited’. Demo-wise, January offers up an interesting stripped back ‘Mutation’ track (‘Lively Boy’) and a tempering ballad to keep things cool.


Must Hear Tracks: ‘Friends of Bill’ + ‘Lively Boy’



February 2015


February 2015The Songs:


1.No One Smiled At Me Today (feat. Jimmy Ashhurst, Mike “Bull’s Eye” Bowen, Robin Diaz, Rami Jaffee, Kayla Parzynski, Mark Gemini Thwaite)

2.Hot Piss (feat. Jake Adams, Jasmine Adams, Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Taylor Graley, Random Jon Poole, Daisy Vanbergen)

3.Caer Urfa (feat. Paul Ronney Angel, Thea Brook, Robin Guy, Big Lou, Matt Nasir, Hannah Rickard, Kevin Vanbergen)

4.Frankenstein 2000 (demo)

5.Without Emotion (demo)


The Words:


Approaching the end of its run, G.A.S.S. carries on jumping from style to style, with the ‘Mutation’-like ‘Hot Piss’ acting like a musical seizure across the senses, ‘Caer Urfa’ providing an almost country-like slice of pop and ‘No One Smiled At Me Today’ rounds things off in rocking fashion. The final Alice Cooper demo rears its head on ‘Frankenstein 2000’ (which would eventually became ‘Save Me’, from ‘Yoni’ by the way) and the second demo is an early version of ‘Without Emotion’, which would eventually feature on Givvi Flynn’s record ‘Thieving From The Magpie’s Nest’ – which you can download FOR FREE at bandcamp (just hit the link HERE).


Must Hear Tracks: ‘Hot Piss’ + ‘Without Emotion’


March 2015


March 2015 finalThe Songs:


1.Alvarado On The 2 (feat. Jimmy Ashhurst, Robin Diaz, Jase Edwards, Mark Gemini Thwaite, Kevin Vanbergen)

2.It’s No Good (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole)

3.The Final Time, Again? (feat. Chris Catalyst, Denzil, Random Jon Poole, Kevin Vanbergen)

4.I’m An Upstart (demo, Angelic Upstarts Cover)

5.I’m Gonna Kiss You Like I’m Going Away (demo)


The Words:


There’s almost a wistful quality to approaching the end of the G.A.S.S. run, reflected on via the melancholic ‘Alvarado On The 2’, a track based on an experience which is actually mentioned in the diary entry whilst Ginger was in LA. The melancholy gives way to a jarring rock ‘n’ roll riff, setting up ‘It’s No Good’ nicely. ‘….No Good’ has all the hallmarks of a Ginger Wildheart band track – odd sounding, more than a little quirky with a bouncing rhythm , this is the track that sets the party going again. March’s demos are the second ‘Mutation’-era cover (this time of Angelic Upstarts’ ‘I’m An Upstart’) and Hey!Hello! track ‘I’m Gonna Kiss You Like I’m Going Away’.


Must Hear Tracks: ‘It’s No Good’ + ‘I’m An Upstart’



April 2015 – Last G.A.S.S. Instalment


May 2015The Songs:


1.Don’t Lose Your Tail, Girl (feat. Jase Edwards, Lynne Edwards, Givvi Flynn)

2.Waves Of Sadness (feat. Jase Edwards, Lynne Edwards, Tom Spencer, Squirrel, Stix, Simon Wilson, Sophia Vassalos)

3.I’ll Have Another (feat. Jase Edwards, Lynne Edwards Robin Guy, Tom Spencer, Squirrel)

4.Pride on Fire (demo)

5.This Too Will Pass (demo)


The Words:


And thus, we reach the final G.A.S.S. instalment. Best to end it on an epic note then, and there’s not much that comes more epic than ‘Don’t Lose Your Tail’, which clocks in at a little over 9 minutes long, traversing multiple soundscapes and genres as it runs its course, at one point even sticking its head in J-Pop territory. It’s followed by a couple of rockers to keep the party going until the very end, ‘I’ll Have Another’ comes out with a strong Status Quo influence, echoing the sentiments of many Ginger fans who have followed the project. The final two demos act as a bittersweet closer, as there’s another supergroup outing on ‘Pride’, followed by ‘This Too Will Pass’ which ends things on a gentle fade, ending one of the most inventive phases of Ginger’s career thus far.


Must Hear Tracks: ‘Don’t Lose Your Tail, Girl’ + ‘This Too Will Pass’


So there you have it folks, 12 months of G.A.S.S and 24 of the best tracks I found from the extensive set of releases. 12 G.A.S.S. tracks will be released later this year on CD and vinyl through Ginger’s latest PledgeMusic project – ‘Songs and Words’. It definitely won’t be the same track listing as picked here. Although it might contain a dozen of the songs I’ve highlighted here. Oh and before I forget Ginger is also playing Camden Rocks festival next weekend on the 30th of May, at 4PM in Proud Camden. See you down the front!