Trevor’s Head – The Über Rock Interview

Written by Lindsey Appleton
Saturday, 14 January 2017 04:00

Last year was an important one for Surrey stoner punks Trevor’s Head, as, after six years together, a change in personnel and direction, it saw the release of their debut album, ‘Tricolossus’. I recently caught up with the multi-talented Matt ‘Beats’ Ainsworth – who not only plays drums but also contributes flute, synthesiser and vocals – to chat about what the band had been up to at the end of 2016 and what they have up their sleeve for this year. After the usual exchange of niceties, we got straight down to business by asking how he felt the album had been received since its release last February…

Trevors Head album cover


“It’s gone down pretty well. Most people who talked to us about it said it’s our best record to date, which is encouraging. We’ve had some really nice emails from people abroad who have loved it. It’s a good feeling knowing there are some people halfway across the globe who are digging our music.”


You also released a music video back in August, ‘Government Whores’: how did the recording go for this?


“It was just a huge piss-up! We got a mountain of booze in for everybody who was part of the crowd (and ourselves, of course…) and just blasted through the song a few times for the camera. We all had a real good laugh. All the poker and beating scenes came out looking great, too. It was all edited by (bassist) Aaron’s dad, his first attempt at a video and he did a stunning job. We’re dead pleased with it.”



Any behind the scenes stories you can tell us from being in the studio?


“I managed to put my back out on the second day of recording drumming while we were going through a take.  I could barely move my arms and ended up lying over the pool table while our mate Jordan rubbed Deep Heat into my back, smoking a fat joint as “muscle relaxant”. The glamorous life of a recording band…”


Sounds like a normal day in the studio ha,ha! You guys were part of a charity all-dayer in October at the Sanctuary in Basingstoke, for which you raised £200 for CDH UK. Is this a charity you guys work closely with?


“To be honest, it’s the first time we’ve played a gig for them. Credit for setting it up must be given to Stefan Powell, he puts on shows in the Basingstoke area. We’re not averse to playing fundraisers – we’ve played quite a few and set up a charity gig for our local food bank a couple of years back.”


It’s always good to be part of charity events – builds up your rep and following…


“Sure does.”


Trevors Head 1

You were also lined up to play the almighty Somatic Festival in November in Wakefield, but didn’t make it in the end… what happened there?


“Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Our van, which we’d just spent a small fortune on repairing, broke down on our way up there. Its first trip out since getting fixed up. Completely shitty luck.”


Damn that sucks, I guess it’s a roll of the dice with these things. Which bands were you looking forward to seeing?


“We were really looking forward to 1968, Soden, Kylver and Electric Priestess, but no dice!”


How would you say your music has evolved since you first started out as a band?


“We’ve certainly gotten heavier. When Trevor’s Head started out, we were a four-piece with a different bassist and a lead guitarist, playing bluesy, classic rock type stuff. Since they both left and Aaron came in, we’ve started bringing in stoner rock and punk vibes, stretching the songs out and experimenting more. We’ve all got different tastes in music with particular bits we cross over on, so it makes for a nice melting pot of influences. Writing together is always an exciting and satisfying process.”


Trevors Head


What have you guys got lined up for this year?


“Lots more gigging, writing and growing. We’re just going to keep on what we’re doing!”


Are you working on any new material at the moment?


“Yes, we are! Hoping to get into the studio over the summer, should have a new album out by the end of the year.”


Are there any last words you would like to say to your fans?


“Please give us the recipe for concentrated dark matter.”


You’ve two hopes there sunshine… let’s hope their dreams in the music business become a little more realizable…