Andy Selway & Jules Hodgson – The Spittin’ Cobras – Interview Exclusive + Win CDs and T-shirts

Written by Tazz Stander
Tuesday, 20 December 2011 05:30

Random Jon Poole (Wildhearts/ex Cardiac) claims that Andy Selway is the best drummer in the world. That, in itself is a pretty outstanding claim. But Andy’s also the heartbeat of an album originally released back in 2009 that goes by the name of ‘Year Of The Cobra’ and the band behind that album were picked up by Atomic Music Group after only a handful of live gigs. Playing alongside Andy in this band are super talented guitarist, Jules Hodgson (who I’ve sat and watched hours and hours of live footage on stage with my jaw on the floor) Alx Karchevsky, arguably the most insane front man of his generation and Jake Hagen whose bass lines make me salivate … So without further ado ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to The Spittin’ Cobras.


Thanks once again to the incredibly diverse music tastes of none other than Dunc (he of Ginger Wildheart guitar tech fame), I’m ahead of the rock ‘n roll game and bringing you the first live interview from Andy and Jules whilst touring in their ‘other’ band, Industrial giants KMFDM. If raucous rock ‘n roll in the vein of Zeke, AC/DC, early Supersuckers and the Dwarves is your idea of brilliant music, the The Spittin’ Cobras will be your new favourite band!


The Cobras are heading out on tour with The Supersuckers in March, re-releasing ‘Year of the Cobra’ and their imminent takeover of your stereo is neigh. Hell, if you’re lucky enough at winning the competition that we’re running below, you might even end up with one of their t-shirts or cd’s?  Who knows?


It’s seldom that I get so excited about a band but when I do, I know that I’m onto a good thing … shout if you want me to remind you all of Vintage Trouble and where you heard it first!!


Now check out these Cobra boys, you will seriously want to buy what they’re selling mark my words!



Guys thanks for talking with Uber Rock. You’re almost completely unknown in the UK except for a handful of people.  How would you describe the Spittin’ Cobras?


Jules: Super loud, balls out, hard rock and roll. I always include ‘hard’ as if you just say ‘rock and roll’ people automatically assume you’re playing 1950’s style rock and roll.


Andy: Someone once said that we sounded like, “Motorhead fisting AC/DC up the ass”.


I often think that a band is the sum of its parts. What influences do each of you have that the rest of the band doesn’t share and where is the common ground?


Andy: I think I’m the only one that likes Dusty Springfield (all laugh)


Jules: When Andy I and started playing together 15 years ago, it was in the Industrial genre and straight away, when talking about music that we both loved Saxon, Motorhead, old Whitesnake and bands like that – good old fast rock and heavy metal from the 80’s. When we met Alx and Jay, they loved the same stuff.


Cobras_PosterI think you can definitely hear your influences in your sound and then vocally, it’s so AC/DC esque …


Andy: Bon Scott is definitely Alx’s hero.


Jules: Alx is also into Henry Rollins so that comes through a lot too with the punk rock elements. You can see it in his live performances too.


Andy: He’s a fucking hooligan on stage.


Jules: We did a show in Seattle where he literally pulled the roof down.


Andy: At a show in Vegas, there were people sitting on chairs and he went up to them and kicked the chairs out from under them to get them going.


Jules: Once there were people sitting on a patio and he went out, stacked up their chairs, threw them on the roof and then pushed the people inside.


Andy: He’s got an extra long mic cable so this is all whilst he’s singing!


Jules: When he walks into a venue, you can see him scouting it out and wondering what he can monkey about on.


Why does the music industry or the world need the Spittin’ Cobras now?


Andy: I don’t think there are enough good, real, organic bands. I’m sick of bands taking themselves too fucking seriously.


Jules: There is far too much ‘respect’ and ‘power’ … when you go to a show, I want to be entertained, have a good show, get pissed so that’s what we aim to do with our shows.


Nate_Fish_Eye_Vert_Levels_BorderMost recently known for being members of Industrial band KMFDM, you’ve both enjoyed vast musical careers, be it in the Dwarves, PIG, Lodestar, Big Boy Tomato or All Loved Up. What benefits of this cross genre of experiences has influenced the sound of the Cobras?


Andy: I learnt that All Loved up was fucking awful (laughing) so I left to join Big Boy Tomato (laughing)


Jules: I learnt that Lodestar was trying to be the most experimental uber prog band in the world and it didn’t work for me.


Andy: Before I joined Big Boy Tomato, I hadn’t really played in the fast punkier stuff that much so it was nice going from playing gay hair metal shit to playing fast punk stuff.


Do you think the Cobras, musically, is going to satisfy your souls?


Andy & Jules: Absolutely


Jules: This is the whole reason we put it together. We’ve got to start playing stuff that we both enjoy playing.


Andy: We enjoy playing the KMFDM stuff but it’s not where our hearts are at. We’ve been talking about putting something together for years and eventually we’ve gotten around to it.


I guess Cobra’s is yours where as KMFDM is Sasha’s really …


Jules: Exactly, it’s our baby


What impact will the Cobra’s success have on KMFDM as a band?


Andy: I think KMFDM will probably start doing less as we start doing more really.


Pussy_Cobras_PosterDo you think you will have a following of KMFDM fans with the Cobras?


Jules: We’ve seen a few KMFDM shirts at our gigs. Having said that, we’ve never seen them a 2ndtime when we’ve come back have we? (Laughing)


Considering the current state of the music industry, what reservations do you carry towards starting a new band vs. Playing in a worldwide touring band that’s played stadiums and the likes?


Andy: I enjoy doing the Cobra’s shows where we’re driving ourselves around in a van probably more than I do with the big bus tours.


Jules: I think even with the Cobra’s, when we get to the ‘next’ level or whatever comes after that we would still stick to doing it small scale. We don’t need to take out a lighting guy and all that.


Andy: No bells and whistles, it’s all about our live shows.


Jules: (Laughing) It’s all about Alx running around being an idiot!


You’ve played with Nashville Pussy in America. As two British guys now living in the States, where exactly do you see a groove being carved with the Cobras?


Andy: We only played one show with Nashville Pussy but we’re going out on tour for the month of February with Supersuckers.


Jules: We’ve just been signed to Atomic Music Group and they’ve got bands like Reverend Horton Heat, Supersuckers, Headcat and loads of other bands. Every other month we will be on tour as main support to one of their bands. Their plan, in 12 months, is to get us to a National touring band in our own right. Hopefully this will mean we get to play the UK as the album get re-released in March and will have UK distribution.


Andy: We definitely want to carve a groove in both the States and the UK.


Jules: We just want to make sure that by the time we get to the UK, that we’ve got something to offer the fans over here.


I’m not sure how au fait you are with the bands in the UK anymore but who would you like to tour with if you could chose?


Andy: Motorhead


Jules: That would be nice!


Andy: Enforcer could be awesome.


Jules: You tell us, we’re out the loop!


Black Spiders are amazing.


Andy: That’s the guy out of Groop Dogdrill? I toured with them when I was in the Yo Yo’s.


Also, an incredibly talented band from Croydon called Godsized.


Jules: You mean there is a band from Croydon? (everyone laughs)




What does the next year hold for the Cobras?


Andy: Lots of touring, out every other month and re-release of our debut album.


Jules: We’ve also got a new album that we’ve almost finished!


Finally, what message do you have for Uber Rock readers bearing in mind that hopefully they will be your first UK fans?


Jules: We’re going to try and get out to the UK as soon as we can, so whoever wins the albums, pass it to your friends so that as many of you as possible can hear us and then don’t forget to spread the word!


Andy: Burn the shit out the cd’s and get the Cobra’s out there!


Thank you very much boys.


Jules: S’alright my dear [in a totally British accent, I might add!]





Your trusty garage punk loving buddies at Uber Rock have managed to get our hands on a bag of Spittin’ Cobras swag (CD’s and T Shirts) – thanks to Andy and Jules for the band.


All you have to do is send your name and address to [email protected] in an email headed ‘COBRAS Comp’ telling us the answer to the following question, and please don’t forget to tell us your name and address (honestly people do forget to do this).


Who were Andy and Jules touring the UK with when Tazz did this interview exclusive?


Yup it really is that simple…. Entries must reach us before midnight on Sunday 31st December 2011 (UK Time), and you will get one piece of merch (either a T Shirt or a CD) if you are one of our lucky winners chosen at random by the URHQ droids.  Usual Uber Rock terms and conditions apply, and five lucky winners each get one piece of swag. Winners will be sent their booty directly once the results are announced.  So don’t forget your name and address right!


Good luck!!