
H13 : MD 20/20 – HafLife 

Written by Gaz E
Saturday, 22 October 2011 04:00

The next victim of Uber Rock’s 13 Days Of Halloween is MD 20/20, frontman of despicable Detroit devils HafLife. With their last album, ‘Nightcrawler’, a trashy ode to American drive-ins, who better to drain the blood from our thirteen horrorific questions? A grisly tale of terror and murder follows – watch out, you could be next……


What are your most vivid childhood memories of Halloween?


My most vivid memories of Halloween are going to houses that had the most most extreme violent displays…and getting lots of corn syrup infused booty…extreme gore, and sugar fix…that’s Americana at its finest.

Why do you think that the worlds of horror and metal/punk have always been so closely linked?


Horror and punk are artistic representations of the same thing; tension, loss of control and fear of the unknown. We cannot help but slow down and look at the car crash…is there a dead body in there? It’s so disturbing but I can’t look away. It’s the same with music; why is that band playing this music..it’s so disturbing but I can’t turn away…something has lodged itself in haflife300the pit of my stomach but you can’t turn away from the stage, and your foot is tapping along…

Last year I asked if remakes and rehashes were killing horror, now it seems to be the in-your-face turkey that is 3D – what are your thoughts on this money-grabbing gimmick that is souring cinemas and the state of current horror in general?


3D is the dry hump of the film industry. For those of us that remember the golden age of 3D and the drive-in, 3D was an amazing gimmick. Bad plots and poor special effects were completely swept under the carpet by 3D. The 3 Stooges mastered this 40 years before horror caught on. 3D today is nothing more than an eulogy that Hollywood has run out of ideas. The only thing worse than 3D is poorly edited reality horror like Paranormal Activity. The same bad script without the budget to afford 3D.

Has there been a horror remake yet that has bettered the original movie?


Hands down, The Thing; John Carpenter is a true master of horror and filmaking. He truly understands that the art of being scared is not in cheap gimmicks but in the evolving tension of desperate people in horrible situations. His take on the black and white classic, as well as the amazing special effects, have yet to be surpassed.
What’s the greatest ever horror movie kill?


Not sure about single kill, but the final scene in An American Werewolf In London is stellar. So much disturbing graphic violence, all meticulously choreographed in a 30 second scene is just friggin’ eye candy. I love watching it to this day. Single kill would have to be the guy in Prince Of Darkness who falls to pieces after warning the others they are doomed…once again, John Carpenter.

Who is the baddest ever horror movie villain…and why?


I would have to say Captain Spaulding and his family in The Devil’s Rejects. Rob Zombie goes to great lengths to show you that nothing will stop this trio from killing in the most brutal fashion. Every other horror villain has a weakness; the virgin, their mother, children, etc etc. The only thing that keeps this family together is brutality and bloodshed. They have no Achilles tendon. My second runner up would be Bruce Campell’s hand in Evil Dead 2; I hate that lil fucker.


Who is the greatest ever Scream Queen?

Great question… so many to choose from, but if we had to pick one.. Janet Leigh in Psycho. It’s just a classic..but that’s not enough. Everyone asks this question thinking it’s going to be a woman. Greatest male scream has got to be Bill Pullman in The Serpent And The Rainbow when he is tortured…still gives me goosebumps….


Name your Top 5 favourite horror movies of all time…and tell us why!!

The Thing –  Greatest remake


An American Werewolf In London – Best special effects


Alien – Changed horror forever


Evil Dead 2 – The inventors of Splatstick


The Last House On The Left – Wes Craven’s masterpiece

What underrated horror movie would you recommend to our readers just in case they have never seen it?


OMG, there are so many…..that would would have to narrow down by decade…From The Tingler to Blood Sucking Freaks, that is a category that would literally cause a site to crash, it would cause so much controversy. Our favorite new unsung horror flick of the past five years phantasmwould have to be Let The Right One In – just amazing.
What is your guilty pleasure, the trashy horror flick that you hold dear but everyone else runs away from?


Without a doubt, Jack Frost. How can you go wrong with a serial killer that reincarnates himself as a killer snowman? Now that’s fun for the whole family.


What is the greatest ever horror movie poster?


Phantasm – That movie scared the shit out of me. To this day, with all the great special effects and no CGI, there has never been anything scarier than those damn killer spheres. A seriously disturbed mind thought of those. I have watched that movie 100 times.

What ‘star’ of the music world would you like to see slaughtered in gory horror movie style?


Well, since Amy Winehouse bit the dust, I would have to say Lindsey Lohan. It’s just not enough to loathe someone…they have to have nice breasts as well for a good slaughter. Now if we are taking male, please kill Andy Dick in violent horrible ways.
What are your plans for Halloween this year?


First, we will pass out drug-laced candy to underage children. We always decorate the pad, and dress up in evil garb while playing Diamanda Galas at high volume. We all compete to see how many children we make cry in a single evening. Hundreds of kids line up down on street every year. After that, we decompress at the strip club….nothing more horrifying than that on Halloween!




[Photo kudos to Christopher M. Bjornberg]